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Elements of Physical Geology: An Interactive Experience
Author(s): Mark A Tinsley
Physical geology is an exciting and dynamic scientific discipline. However, students who take physical geology in an online format often fail to experience the science fully because they are forced to complete virtual, non-tactile lab exercises that are uninspiring and only marginally instructive. ...Geology: An Introduction
Author(s): Alan Jacobs
The theme of Geology: An Introduction is the dynamic nature of planet Earth. Geologic materials are constantly being recycled through geologic processes that are continuously reshaping the planet. The textbook, with numerous color photographs and diagrams, clearly discusses minerals and rocks and ...Woody Plants in North America
Author(s): John R Seiler, Edward C Jensen, John Peterson
Woody Plants in North America is an interactive multimedia identification tutorial for woody plants found throughout North America. The software was developed over a 15-year period at Virginia Tech in cooperation with tree identification experts at Oregon State University, The Pennsylvania State Uni...Hands-On Digital Design
Author(s): Oren Gall
The DEB has the essential features that allow building amazing and real-world circuits without lab equipment. It also provides failure detection, making it possible to prototype labs, projects, and more. Comes with schematic cards for each chip and a handy instruction booklet!, full_html