Search Results: 1 - 10 of 45

General Chemistry Laboratories: A Freshman Workbook

Author(s): Simon G Bott, Russell A Geanangel, Vladimir Zaitsev

eBook VersionYou will receive access to this electronic text via email after using the shopping cart above to complete your purchase., basic_html

Philosophy Born of Struggle: Anthology of Afro-American Philosophy From 1917

Author(s): Leonard Harris

Philosophy Born of Struggle – Afro-American Philosophy from 1917, Third Edition, features philosophic foundations.  Voices that express competing ideas about the nature of religion, social activism, humanism, culture, race, identity, dignity and values.  Thus, the sections’ Meta- philosophy, Politic...

Get The Point! A Fencer's Handbook

Author(s): Charles Simonian

NEW Fencing Text from Charles Simonian!  While incorporating and updating the unique features of my previous book, Basic Foil Fencing, Get the Point! has added a great deal of new material to make it the most Comprehensive book on the market!The book's skill topics are presented in a logical learnin...

Introduction to Leisure Services in North Carolina

Author(s): Paul Gaskill

 eBook Version You will receive access to this electronic text via email after using the shopping cart above to complete your purchase. The fifth edition of Introduction to Leisure Services in North Carolina has been completely updated to give your students the most current and complete informati...