Search Results: 1 - 9 of 9

Nutrition Basics Better Health & Performance: Customized Version designed for Concordia University

Author(s): Patricia Rehel

Take Charge of Your BodyNutrition Basics for Better Health & Performance is a book for nutrition courses taught at the introductory level. A minimum of scientific terminology is used and an emphasis is put on physical activity.This text covers a wide array of nutrition topics from basics about fats,...

Working Artists of the Theatre

Author(s): Robert H. Willenbrink

There is no greater experience than collaborating with your fellow artists to create and stage a play. Working Artists of the Theatre is an online publication providing students the opportunity to be a working theatre artist. It gives them the opportunity to write, design, cast, and stage a play ...

Greening Philosophy: A Fresh Introduction to the Field

Author(s): Amber L Katherine

This innovative philosophy reader offers a practical, engaging introduction to the Western philosophical tradition with the earth in mind. Like other introductory texts, Greening Philosophy provides classic and contemporary readings in philosophy’s three core areas: metaphysics, epistemology and eth...