Search Results: 1 - 10 of 24

A Small Book About Large Group Games

Author(s): Karl E Rohnke

The 23 games and activities included in this small book can be used with small or large groups, but the emphasis is upon how to use or adapt them to large groups (50-500 people). Does the thought of facilitating sessions of 50, 75 or 100+ participants cause you to have a convenient excuse ready as t...

Ethical Dilemmas in Long-Term Care Study Edition

Author(s): Janine M Idziak

Ethical Dilemmas in Long-Term Care is written by an ethicist with years of experience with ethics committees and ethics consults who serves on the Commission on Ethics in Long-Term Care of the AAHSA. Ethics committee members and the long-term care facility's professional medical staff are challenged...

Critical Thinking: A Shepherd's Guide to Tending Sheep: A Text and Reader

Author(s): Jason McFaul

Critical Thinking: A Shepherd's Guide to Tending Sheep portrays people as sheep.  Not a wholly original idea.  As anthropomorphic as it may be, human beings tend to follow various shepherds, and they tend to do so in herds.  The irony, however, is that most Americans consider themselves individuals,...

Writings in Jazz

Author(s): Nathan T Davis

Writings in Jazz, Sixth Edition, brings together different intrepretations, styles, and musical perspectives of jazz history. The author lived this history while working with such jazz icons as Donald Byrd, Kenny Clarke, and Grover Washington, Jr., and he shares his encyclopedic knowledge of jazz in...

Children and Youth in Sport: A Biopsychosocial Perspective

Author(s): Frank L Smoll, Ronald E Smith

 Children and Yourth in Sport offers a comprehensive, multidisciplinary view of issues of concern to youth sport educators, researchers, and program administrators. This text effectively bridges the gap between research and application by including helpful guidelines for use in administration of you...