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Melodic, Dyadic AND Harmonic Singing: Graded Exercises with Student Worksheets
By: Gene J Cho, Michael Turner
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The Bottomless Bag Revival!
Author(s): Karl E Rohnke
In The Bottomless BagRevival!, Karl Rohnke, also author of Silver Bullets and Cows Tails & Cobras, has distilled thirty fun-loving eclectic years of Outward Bound, Project Adventure, and High 5 Adventure Learning Center experiences. When asked about The Bottomless Bag Revival! he said, "The text, ph...KINGS, SAINTS AND PARLIAMENTS: A SOURCEBOOK FOR WESTERN CIVILIZATION 1050-1715
By: James McGee, Sandra Piercy, Ragena Dearagon, Stephani Mooers Christelow
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The Power of Listening
Author(s): Roberta K Ray
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