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Author(s): Mylan Redfern Betounes, David Betounes

NOTE: This version of the authors’ calculus book was previously titled: “Calculus: Concepts & Calculations-Non-CAS Version.” The book presents the essential calculus material using a traditional approach and organization of the canonical collection of concepts. The writing style is clear and con...

Calculus with Maple

Author(s): David Betounes, Mylan Redfern

NOTE: This version of the authors’ calculus book was previously titled: “Calculus: Concepts & Calculations.” It is identical to the authors’ present title: Calculus, but has in addition the Maple code and Special-Purpose Maple procedures to produce the animations and figures that are an essential dy...

Calculus Single Variable Solutions Manual

Author(s): Mylan Redfern, David Betounes

This Solutions Manual was written completely by the Authors. This means that it has the same problem- solving format as the textbook and, unlike other solutions manuals, provides more details, more steps toward the solutions, and more commentary and background. The figures and graphics are first-rat...

Calculus Multivariable Solutions Manual

Author(s): Mylan Redfern Betounes, David Betounes

This Solutions Manual was written completely by the Authors. This means that it has the same problem- solving format as the textbook and, unlike other solutions manuals, provides more details, more steps toward the solutions, and more commentary and background. The figures and graphics are first-rat...