Search Results: 51 - 57 of 57

Introduction to Music of the Western World

Author(s): Steven D. Thompson

Introduction to Music of the Western World introduces students to the enchanting world of music.  Written for today's college students, the turn-key online course package is divided into three comprehensive sections: Ingredients of Music, European Origins of Concert Music, and American Music of the ...

Building a Democratic Nation: A History of the United States 1877 to Present, Volume 1

Author(s): William E Montgomery, Andres Tijerina

In a strong narrative voice, Building a Democratic Nation: A History of the United States to 1877, Volume 1 tells stories of culture wars, nation building, freedom struggles, economic transformations, racial and ethnic pride, idealistic aspiration, human and environmental degradation, and technologi...

Food Chemistry

Author(s): Piotr Nowinski, Fahrettin Gogus, Sibel Fadiloglu, Huseyin Bozkurt

Food Chemistry is an online turn-key course package that studies the properties of foods and food ingredients. It seeks to understand how chemical systems work in order to better control them to improve the nutritional value, safety, and preservation of foods. The publication presents the basics ...