Search Results: 631 - 640 of 643

Astronomy for Beginners

Author(s): Frederick Ringwald

Too many textbooks leave the students gasping, “Do I need to know all this?” Astronomy for Beginners isn’t intended to be an encyclopedia. It’s intended to be an introduction, so that it’s short, but it covers the essentials. It’s also written to accommodate how today’s students learn about the w...

Geographic Information Science: Introductory Concepts & Applications

Author(s): RICK BUNCH, Elisabeth Nelson, James Nelson

Geographic Information Science (GIScience) is the knowledgebase that supports the exploration and analysis of geospatial data. In Geographic Information Science: Introductory Concepts & Applications, the authors have designed an introductory textbook that uses language that is student-friendly to th...

The Hero's Journey: Illuminating Your Life/Career Path

Author(s): Patricia Ferguson, Victoria Nanos

New Edition Now Available! The world has become a global village connected by the speed of information processing via the Internet. Students need to look inward to identify themselves and their “bliss” while also being in tune with the interpersonal skills needed to succeed in an increasingly div...

General Chemistry I Workbook

Author(s): Nare A Mautjana

General Chemistry I Workbook is designed to provide open access to education for all kinds of students regardless of school background or lack of it. All you have to do is read the simple discussions of such topics as measurement, identities of chemicals, how we quantify chemicals, etc. You will fil...

Back to Basics of Teaching: Best Practices for Diverse Learners

Author(s): Francine Wisnewski, Vicky Giouroukakis

This book goes back to the basics of teaching and presents information that all beginning teachers need to know about teaching diverse learners. It is designed to help you, the new teacher, understand what it means to be an effective teacher and how to become one. The authors discuss how to create a...

Arts in the Key of Musical Joy

Author(s): Allen Schantz, Mark Dorn

The exploration of music and the other arts can be a profoundly meaningful and enjoyable pathway into the endless imagination and beauty of our Creator. At their richest, the arts have such a transcendent quality that they can usher us into awe, worship, and delight. In the opening passages of Sc...