Search Results: 4231 - 4240 of 4247

I Lead

Author(s): Gary Morais, Paul Crews

In today’s world there is an enormous need for healthy mature leaders. Why? Because most people have not been taught real leadership thinking skills. Sure, they may have completed a course or attended a class, but were not taught healthy, mature thinking characteristics possessed by great leaders.Th...

The Professional School Counselor: A Concierge of Academic, Career, and Social Supports

Author(s): Christopher Wilder, Jennifer Money-Brady

New Publication Coming Soon!School counseling is a critical component of a student's educational journey. School counselors are pivotal in supporting students' academic, social, and emotional development. The Professional School Counselor: A Concierge of Academic, Career, and Social Supports is a gr...

Career Development and Planning: A Comprehensive Approach

Author(s): Robert Reardon, Janet Lenz, V. Casey Dozier, Kyle A. Roark, Justin D. Hultman

New 8th Edition Coming Fall 2024!Career Development and Planning: A Comprehensive Approach provides content from cognitive psychology, sociology, and economics that can be used to solve career problems and make career decisions. Career Development and Planning is an inclusive, integrated system of c...