Search Results: 1 - 10 of 8142

Foodservice Operations Management: A Menu Perspective

Author(s): Mary Roseman, James Taylor

Now Available!The new 2nd edition of Foodservice Operations Management now released prepares future nutrition/dietetics, foodservice, and hospitality management professionals with the knowledge and competencies to manage with confidence a multitude of careers in all areas of the foodservice industry...


Author(s): Mylan Redfern Betounes, David Betounes

NOTE: This version of the authors’ calculus book was previously titled: “Calculus: Concepts & Calculations-Non-CAS Version.” The book presents the essential calculus material using a traditional approach and organization of the canonical collection of concepts. The writing style is clear and con...

Calculus with Maple

Author(s): David Betounes, Mylan Redfern

NOTE: This version of the authors’ calculus book was previously titled: “Calculus: Concepts & Calculations.” It is identical to the authors’ present title: Calculus, but has in addition the Maple code and Special-Purpose Maple procedures to produce the animations and figures that are an essential dy...

Calculus Single Variable Solutions Manual

Author(s): Mylan Redfern, David Betounes

This Solutions Manual was written completely by the Authors. This means that it has the same problem- solving format as the textbook and, unlike other solutions manuals, provides more details, more steps toward the solutions, and more commentary and background. The figures and graphics are first-rat...

Calculus Multivariable Solutions Manual

Author(s): Mylan Redfern Betounes, David Betounes

This Solutions Manual was written completely by the Authors. This means that it has the same problem- solving format as the textbook and, unlike other solutions manuals, provides more details, more steps toward the solutions, and more commentary and background. The figures and graphics are first-rat...

The Soft Side of Industry 4.0: Finding Success in the Digital Landscape

Author(s): Stephanie Gresh

Automation makes life easier by doing repetitive tasks faster and more accurately. But as we embrace automation, we must also adapt. The future workforce will be more automated, impacting more jobs than ever before. So, what’s next for those replaced by automation? The answer lies in developing esse...

Professional Catering: The Modern Caterer's Complete Guide to Success

Author(s): Stephen Shiring, Elizabeth J. Shiring

Professional Catering structurally applies by design key essential and emerging management, marketing, strategic management, and supply chain concepts empowering the student, practitioner, event planner, chef, or aspiring entrepreneur with the appropriate knowledge, tools, and Tips from the Trade to...

A Constant Struggle: Documents and Readings in African American History to 1865, Volume 1

Author(s): Yohuru R Williams, Tamara Brown, Dr. Roger Davidson

A Constant Struggle: Documents and Readings in African American History volumes provide essential primary source documents and informative essays for the study of African American history from its African origins to contemporary times. The volumes assist in building critical thinking skills for the ...

Foodservice Operations Management: A Menu Perspective

Author(s): James Taylor, Mary Roseman

Prepare savvy future professionals ready to manage the foodservice industry with poise.Well-run foodservice may look like magic, but there is very careful intersection of science and management at play. Foodservice Operations Management: A Menu Perspective takes readers behind the scenes of smooth, ...

Integrated Marketing Communication: A Consumer-Centric Approach for the Digital Era

Author(s): Thomas R. Flynn, James R. Smith, Michael Walsh

New Second Edition Now Available!This decade, 2020-2029, is primed to become the most extraordinary period in marketing communication history.  The environment is filled with cultural, economic, political and social turbulence. Our personal and professional lives are riddled with change and uncertai...