Act One Scene One: An Actor's Workbook is a unique, digital, actor's workbook that empowers the acting student to document each step of their early training. The book is filled with interactive text analysis exercises, observation-based journaling, and even resume-crafting opportunities. All of these allow both the instructor and the student to have a concrete record of the actor-in-training's progression. Each exercise can be digitally uploaded to Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, or any other online grading platform, eliminating the clumsiness of having a professor collect a bunch of workbooks.
This easy-to-use, digital interface also leaves the workbook intact for the actor, since they do not have to tear out perforated assignment pages for submission. Too often, the actor's process remains something abstract and cerebral, even after a semester of class work. Act One; Scene One helps to solidify that process and provide documentation of its development.
Chapter One: Thinking Like an Actor
Chapter Two: Preparing to Act
Chapter Three: A Basic Method
Chapter Four: Finding the Rhythm
Chapter Five: Homework
Chapter Six: Moment-to-Moment Reality
Chapter Seven: Using Your Senses and Emotions
Chapter Eight: Applying What You Know
Chapter Nine: Getting the Part
Chapter Ten: Self-Assessment
Chapter Eleven: Advice to the Players