The Advanced Anatomy Lecture Manual is designed to accompany my Advanced Human Anatomy course at the University of Utah. The manual is an outline of the lectures that I give in the course. It contains all the key topics and terminology in an outline form with a plethora of line art of the anatomy covered in the course. It is intended as a note taking device and coloring book that students will turn into their own personalized textbook. The intent of this course and manual is to take students, who have developed a strong foundation in anatomy, to a higher level. It builds on my Human Anatomy course by taking students to a deeper understanding of anatomy, with a strong emphasis on the peripheral nervous system.
In addition to using understanding to facilitate learning, it is important to be able to use knowledge in a problem
solving capacity. Anatomy, like any area of science, is really only useful if one can use it as a tool to solve problems. This problem solving can take on a variety of forms. The competent individual can use a knowledge of structure to better understand and analyze function. A clear understanding of anatomy will allow one to more clearly interpret and analyze the evolutionary themes that unite all life on earth, especially the vertebrate animals. A clear understanding of human morphology provides the necessary tools to solve problems related to health and well-being. It is this use of the anatomy that becomes important to the competent health care professional. A major focus of this course will be the acquisition of critical thinking and problem-solving skills using anatomy as the "toolbox".
1 - Development of the Vertebrate Body Plan
2 - Structural Patterns
3 - Skeletal Muscles
4 - Vertebral Anatomy and the Meningeal System
5 - Overview of Central Nervous System
6 - Spinal Nerve Anatomy
7 - Dorsal Rami
8 - Autonomic Division of the Peripheral Nervous System
9 - Mediastinum and Surface Anatomy
10 - Ventral Rami Nerve Plexuses
11 - Cervical Plexus
12 - Brachial Plexus
13 - Intercostal Nerves
14 - Lumbar Plexus
15 - Sacral Plexus
16 - Lumbosacral Plexus Topography and Distribution
17 - Blood Vessels of the Head and Neck
18 - Introduction to Cranial Nerves
19 - Special Sensory Cranial Nerves
20 - Ventral Motor Cranial Nerves
21 - Dorsal or Pharyngeal Arch Cranial Nerves
22 - Trigeminal Nerve
23 - Facial Nerve
24 - Glossopharyngeal Nerve
25 - Vagus and Accessory Nerves
26 - Cranial Plexus and Regions of the Head
27 - Central Connections
28 - Central Pathways
Appendix - The Skull