Advanced Human Anatomy

Author(s): Mark Nielsen

Edition: 7

Copyright: 2021

Pages: 512

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ISBN 9781792459337

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The Advanced Anatomy Lecture Manual is designed to accompany my Advanced Human Anatomy course at the University of Utah. The manual is an outline of the lectures that I give in the course. It contains all the key topics and terminology in an outline form with a plethora of line art of the anatomy covered in the course. It is intended as a note taking device and coloring book that students will turn into their own personalized textbook.  The intent of this course and manual is to take students, who have developed a strong foundation in anatomy, to a higher level. It builds on my Human Anatomy course by taking students to a deeper understanding of anatomy, with a strong emphasis on the peripheral nervous system.

In addition to using understanding to facilitate learning, it is important to be able to use knowledge in a problem
solving capacity. Anatomy, like any area of science, is really only useful if one can use it as a tool to solve problems. This problem solving can take on a variety of forms. The competent individual can use a knowledge of structure to better understand and analyze function. A clear understanding of anatomy will allow one to more clearly interpret and analyze the evolutionary themes that unite all life on earth, especially the vertebrate animals. A clear understanding of human morphology provides the necessary tools to solve problems related to health and well-being. It is this use of the anatomy that becomes important to the competent health care professional. A major focus of this course will be the acquisition of critical thinking and problem-solving skills using anatomy as the "toolbox".

1 - Development of the Vertebrate Body Plan

2 - Structural Patterns

3 - Skeletal Muscles

4 - Vertebral Anatomy and the Meningeal System

5 - Overview of Central Nervous System

6 - Spinal Nerve Anatomy

7 - Dorsal Rami

8 - Autonomic Division of the Peripheral Nervous System

9 - Mediastinum and Surface Anatomy

10 - Ventral Rami Nerve Plexuses

11 - Cervical Plexus

12 - Brachial Plexus

13 - Intercostal Nerves

14 - Lumbar Plexus

15 - Sacral Plexus

16 - Lumbosacral Plexus Topography and Distribution

17 - Blood Vessels of the Head and Neck

18 - Introduction to Cranial Nerves

19 - Special Sensory Cranial Nerves

20 - Ventral Motor Cranial Nerves

21 - Dorsal or Pharyngeal Arch Cranial Nerves

22 - Trigeminal Nerve

23 - Facial Nerve

24 - Glossopharyngeal Nerve

25 - Vagus and Accessory Nerves

26 - Cranial Plexus and Regions of the Head

27 - Central Connections

28 - Central Pathways

Appendix - The Skull

Mark Nielsen

The Advanced Anatomy Lecture Manual is designed to accompany my Advanced Human Anatomy course at the University of Utah. The manual is an outline of the lectures that I give in the course. It contains all the key topics and terminology in an outline form with a plethora of line art of the anatomy covered in the course. It is intended as a note taking device and coloring book that students will turn into their own personalized textbook.  The intent of this course and manual is to take students, who have developed a strong foundation in anatomy, to a higher level. It builds on my Human Anatomy course by taking students to a deeper understanding of anatomy, with a strong emphasis on the peripheral nervous system.

In addition to using understanding to facilitate learning, it is important to be able to use knowledge in a problem
solving capacity. Anatomy, like any area of science, is really only useful if one can use it as a tool to solve problems. This problem solving can take on a variety of forms. The competent individual can use a knowledge of structure to better understand and analyze function. A clear understanding of anatomy will allow one to more clearly interpret and analyze the evolutionary themes that unite all life on earth, especially the vertebrate animals. A clear understanding of human morphology provides the necessary tools to solve problems related to health and well-being. It is this use of the anatomy that becomes important to the competent health care professional. A major focus of this course will be the acquisition of critical thinking and problem-solving skills using anatomy as the "toolbox".

1 - Development of the Vertebrate Body Plan

2 - Structural Patterns

3 - Skeletal Muscles

4 - Vertebral Anatomy and the Meningeal System

5 - Overview of Central Nervous System

6 - Spinal Nerve Anatomy

7 - Dorsal Rami

8 - Autonomic Division of the Peripheral Nervous System

9 - Mediastinum and Surface Anatomy

10 - Ventral Rami Nerve Plexuses

11 - Cervical Plexus

12 - Brachial Plexus

13 - Intercostal Nerves

14 - Lumbar Plexus

15 - Sacral Plexus

16 - Lumbosacral Plexus Topography and Distribution

17 - Blood Vessels of the Head and Neck

18 - Introduction to Cranial Nerves

19 - Special Sensory Cranial Nerves

20 - Ventral Motor Cranial Nerves

21 - Dorsal or Pharyngeal Arch Cranial Nerves

22 - Trigeminal Nerve

23 - Facial Nerve

24 - Glossopharyngeal Nerve

25 - Vagus and Accessory Nerves

26 - Cranial Plexus and Regions of the Head

27 - Central Connections

28 - Central Pathways

Appendix - The Skull

Mark Nielsen