Advanced Operating Systems Security and Administration: Preliminary Edition

Author(s): Chris Krieger

Edition: 0

Copyright: 2021

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ISBN 9781792430497

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

1 Introduction

2 Networking and Firewalls

3 Overview of Windows Operating Systems

4 Overview of Active Directory

5 Overview of Linux-Based Operating Systems

6 Managing Updates at Scale for Windows and Linux

7 Configuration Management Concepts for Windows and Linux

8 Log Aggregation for Operating Systems and Networks

9 Basics of Vulnerability Management

10 Certificate Management and PKI for Operating Systems

Chris Krieger

1 Introduction

2 Networking and Firewalls

3 Overview of Windows Operating Systems

4 Overview of Active Directory

5 Overview of Linux-Based Operating Systems

6 Managing Updates at Scale for Windows and Linux

7 Configuration Management Concepts for Windows and Linux

8 Log Aggregation for Operating Systems and Networks

9 Basics of Vulnerability Management

10 Certificate Management and PKI for Operating Systems

Chris Krieger