Advanced Programmed Learning System (APLS): Introduction to Macroeconomics for ECON 2203

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2014

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ISBN 9781465245014

Details KHPContent 180 days

Groundbreaking Economics Course Package Now Available!

Advance Programmed Learning System (APLS): Economics is a fully-developed online course package that provides introductory macroeconomics, microeconomics, and managerial economics content in a systematic, easily-digested modular format to make learning easier for students. 

By combining relevant and current material in a whimsical manner, APLS provides college, high school, and graduate students, and instructors with fully customizable lessons, exams, summary points, study questions, key terms, and topic outlines.

Written and designed by Randall Amos and Orley Amos, an award winning economics professor, APLS makes teaching economics easier and more effective by providing a sample syllabus, lesson plans, student progress tracking, exam scores, news bulletins, and more.

Proven to raise average student scores by 5% over traditional course material in both online and in-person course settings, Advance Programmed Learning System includes:

  • 1,200 bite-sized topics ranging from the Three Questions of Allocation to Federal Reserve Open Market Operations to Game Theory, many with interactive graphics.
  • 52 introductory microeconomic and macroeconomic lessons, such as Market Demand, Production Possibilities, Money Creation, and Oligopoly.
  • A flexible format! The course content can be customized or tailored for traditional courses as well as self-paced for degree completion programs.
  • A practice testing system with a database of 2,000+ multiple choice question in multiple pools to maintain academic integrity.
  • Includes access to AmosWEB - an online searchable database of almost 1,100 encyclopedic entries on economic topics. 


A World of Economics

Economic Science

The Study of Choice


Production Possibilities


The Market

Market Basics

Market Demand

Market Supply

Market Analysis

Market Equilibrium

Market Shocks


Behind Demand

Consumer Demand

Utility and Demand

Elasticity Basics

Elasticity and Demand


Behind Supply

The Firm

Production Basics


Perfect Competition


Market Control

Market Structures

Competition and Market Control


Monopolistic Competition



Factor Markets

The Basics of Factor Markets

Factor Demand

Factor Supply

Factor Market Equilibrium


Micro Issues

The Global Economy

Public Finance

Public Choice


The Macroeconomy

Macro Basics

Gross Domestic Product

Unemployment and Inflation

Circular Flow

Business Cycle


The Aggregate Market

The Aggregate Market

Aggregate Demand

Aggregate Supply

Aggregate Equilibrium

Aggregate Shocks


Money and Banking

Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy



Money Creation

Federal Reserve System


Keynesian Economics

Keynesian Basics

Keynesian Consumption

Keynesian Expenditures

Keynesian Equilibrium

Keynesian Multiplier

Keynesian Policy

Orley Amos
Randall Amos

Groundbreaking Economics Course Package Now Available!

Advance Programmed Learning System (APLS): Economics is a fully-developed online course package that provides introductory macroeconomics, microeconomics, and managerial economics content in a systematic, easily-digested modular format to make learning easier for students. 

By combining relevant and current material in a whimsical manner, APLS provides college, high school, and graduate students, and instructors with fully customizable lessons, exams, summary points, study questions, key terms, and topic outlines.

Written and designed by Randall Amos and Orley Amos, an award winning economics professor, APLS makes teaching economics easier and more effective by providing a sample syllabus, lesson plans, student progress tracking, exam scores, news bulletins, and more.

Proven to raise average student scores by 5% over traditional course material in both online and in-person course settings, Advance Programmed Learning System includes:

  • 1,200 bite-sized topics ranging from the Three Questions of Allocation to Federal Reserve Open Market Operations to Game Theory, many with interactive graphics.
  • 52 introductory microeconomic and macroeconomic lessons, such as Market Demand, Production Possibilities, Money Creation, and Oligopoly.
  • A flexible format! The course content can be customized or tailored for traditional courses as well as self-paced for degree completion programs.
  • A practice testing system with a database of 2,000+ multiple choice question in multiple pools to maintain academic integrity.
  • Includes access to AmosWEB - an online searchable database of almost 1,100 encyclopedic entries on economic topics. 


A World of Economics

Economic Science

The Study of Choice


Production Possibilities


The Market

Market Basics

Market Demand

Market Supply

Market Analysis

Market Equilibrium

Market Shocks


Behind Demand

Consumer Demand

Utility and Demand

Elasticity Basics

Elasticity and Demand


Behind Supply

The Firm

Production Basics


Perfect Competition


Market Control

Market Structures

Competition and Market Control


Monopolistic Competition



Factor Markets

The Basics of Factor Markets

Factor Demand

Factor Supply

Factor Market Equilibrium


Micro Issues

The Global Economy

Public Finance

Public Choice


The Macroeconomy

Macro Basics

Gross Domestic Product

Unemployment and Inflation

Circular Flow

Business Cycle


The Aggregate Market

The Aggregate Market

Aggregate Demand

Aggregate Supply

Aggregate Equilibrium

Aggregate Shocks


Money and Banking

Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy



Money Creation

Federal Reserve System


Keynesian Economics

Keynesian Basics

Keynesian Consumption

Keynesian Expenditures

Keynesian Equilibrium

Keynesian Multiplier

Keynesian Policy

Orley Amos
Randall Amos