Ancient Rome: Documentary Perspectives

Edition: 2

Copyright: 1995

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ISBN 9781465233981

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This item is a pack that contains both the textbook and the study guide.



The Roman Constitution: Polybius, Universal History
Secessio: Livy, History
Debt-Bondage: Livy, History
Cato on Women: Livy, History
Cato and Carthage: Plutarch, Cato
Buying a Farm: Cato the Elder, On Agriculture
The Rise of the Latifundia: Appian, Civil Wars
A Slave Revolt in Sicily: Diodorus Siculus, Historical Library
Tiberius Gracchus' Land Reforms: Plutarch, Tiberius Gracchus
The Legislation of Gaius Gracchus: Plutarch, Gaius Gracchus
Hired Hands: Varro, On Agriculture 
Optimates: Cicero, In Defense of Sestius 
Corruption in the Provinces: Cicero, Verrine Orations 
Moral Decline During the Republic: Sallust, Conspiracy of Catiline 
Slave Labor in Spanish Mines: Diodorus Siculus: Historical Library 
Women and the Conspiracy of Catiline: Sallust, Conspiracy of Catiline
The First Triumvirate: Plutarch, Crassus 
Caesar the Tyrant: Cicero, On Duties 
The Assassination of Caesar: Plutarch, Julius Caesar 
Antony and Cleopatra: Plutarch, Antony 
Augustan Autocracy: Tacitus, Annals 
The Achievements of Augustus: Augustus, Res Gestae 
The Deification of Augustus: Dio Cassius, Roman History 
Imperial Madness: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula 
Claudius is Proclaimed Emperor: Suetonius, Claudius 
Catastrophe in Fidenae: Tacitus, Annals 
The Education of the Young Orator: Quintilian, Institutes of Oratorv
On Orators: Tacitus, Dialogue on Oratory
The Advantages of Roman Rule: Tacitus, Histories
An Invitation to Dinner: Pliny the Younger, Letters
Pliny the Matchmaker: Pliny the Younger, Letters
A Widower: Pliny the Younger, Letters
Imperial Correspondence: Pliny the Younger, Letters
Caracalla's Extortions: Dio Cassius, Roman History
Maximinus Ravages Rome: Herodian, History
A Christian View of Diocletian and Maximian: Lactantius, On the Deaths of the
The Breakdown of the Empire: Salvian, On the Governance of God


The Battle of Cannae: Livy, History
Discipline in the Army: Polybius, Universal History
The Struggle for Syracuse: Plutarch, Marcellus
Caesar Invades Britain: Caesar, Gallic War
The Defeat of the Treveri: Caesar, Gallic War
The Battle of Pharsalus: Caesar, Civil Wars
Resisting Roman Rule: Josephus, Jewish War
They Create a Desert and Call it Peace: Tacitus, Agricola


Roman Comedy: Plautus, The Braggart Warrior 
The Poet of Love and Anguish: Catullus, Epigrams 
Roman Destiny: Virgil, Aeneid
A Poet of the Augustan Age: Horace, Odes and Epodes 
Echo and Narcissus: Ovid, Metamorphoses 
Instruction in Seduction: Ovid, Art of Love 
Trimalchio's Feast: Petronius, Satyricon 
Satire: Martial, Epigrams 
Downtown Rome: Juvenal, Satires


Sacrifices: Cato the Elder, On Agriculture 
Divination: Livy, History
Vestal Virgins: Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights 
Greek Gods Come to Rome: Livy, History 
The Suppression of Foreign Religions in Rome: Suetonius, Tiberius
The Cult of Isis: Apuleius, Metamorphoses 
Caligula and the Jews: Josephus, Jewish War 
Jesus on Ethics: Gospel of Matthew 
Paul on Salvation: Epistle to the Romans 
Nero's Persecution of the Christians: Tacitus, Annals 
Trajan's Policy Regarding the Christians: Pliny the Younger, Letters
In Defense of Christianity: Tertullian, Apology 
Constantine's Vision: Eusebius, Life of Constantine 
The Edict of Galerius: Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History 
The Edict of Milan: Lactantius, On the Deaths of the Persecutors


A Roman Epicurean: Lucretius, On the Nature of Things
On Law and J

Styliano Spyridakis
Bradley Nystrom

This item is a pack that contains both the textbook and the study guide.



The Roman Constitution: Polybius, Universal History
Secessio: Livy, History
Debt-Bondage: Livy, History
Cato on Women: Livy, History
Cato and Carthage: Plutarch, Cato
Buying a Farm: Cato the Elder, On Agriculture
The Rise of the Latifundia: Appian, Civil Wars
A Slave Revolt in Sicily: Diodorus Siculus, Historical Library
Tiberius Gracchus' Land Reforms: Plutarch, Tiberius Gracchus
The Legislation of Gaius Gracchus: Plutarch, Gaius Gracchus
Hired Hands: Varro, On Agriculture 
Optimates: Cicero, In Defense of Sestius 
Corruption in the Provinces: Cicero, Verrine Orations 
Moral Decline During the Republic: Sallust, Conspiracy of Catiline 
Slave Labor in Spanish Mines: Diodorus Siculus: Historical Library 
Women and the Conspiracy of Catiline: Sallust, Conspiracy of Catiline
The First Triumvirate: Plutarch, Crassus 
Caesar the Tyrant: Cicero, On Duties 
The Assassination of Caesar: Plutarch, Julius Caesar 
Antony and Cleopatra: Plutarch, Antony 
Augustan Autocracy: Tacitus, Annals 
The Achievements of Augustus: Augustus, Res Gestae 
The Deification of Augustus: Dio Cassius, Roman History 
Imperial Madness: Suetonius, Gaius Caligula 
Claudius is Proclaimed Emperor: Suetonius, Claudius 
Catastrophe in Fidenae: Tacitus, Annals 
The Education of the Young Orator: Quintilian, Institutes of Oratorv
On Orators: Tacitus, Dialogue on Oratory
The Advantages of Roman Rule: Tacitus, Histories
An Invitation to Dinner: Pliny the Younger, Letters
Pliny the Matchmaker: Pliny the Younger, Letters
A Widower: Pliny the Younger, Letters
Imperial Correspondence: Pliny the Younger, Letters
Caracalla's Extortions: Dio Cassius, Roman History
Maximinus Ravages Rome: Herodian, History
A Christian View of Diocletian and Maximian: Lactantius, On the Deaths of the
The Breakdown of the Empire: Salvian, On the Governance of God


The Battle of Cannae: Livy, History
Discipline in the Army: Polybius, Universal History
The Struggle for Syracuse: Plutarch, Marcellus
Caesar Invades Britain: Caesar, Gallic War
The Defeat of the Treveri: Caesar, Gallic War
The Battle of Pharsalus: Caesar, Civil Wars
Resisting Roman Rule: Josephus, Jewish War
They Create a Desert and Call it Peace: Tacitus, Agricola


Roman Comedy: Plautus, The Braggart Warrior 
The Poet of Love and Anguish: Catullus, Epigrams 
Roman Destiny: Virgil, Aeneid
A Poet of the Augustan Age: Horace, Odes and Epodes 
Echo and Narcissus: Ovid, Metamorphoses 
Instruction in Seduction: Ovid, Art of Love 
Trimalchio's Feast: Petronius, Satyricon 
Satire: Martial, Epigrams 
Downtown Rome: Juvenal, Satires


Sacrifices: Cato the Elder, On Agriculture 
Divination: Livy, History
Vestal Virgins: Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights 
Greek Gods Come to Rome: Livy, History 
The Suppression of Foreign Religions in Rome: Suetonius, Tiberius
The Cult of Isis: Apuleius, Metamorphoses 
Caligula and the Jews: Josephus, Jewish War 
Jesus on Ethics: Gospel of Matthew 
Paul on Salvation: Epistle to the Romans 
Nero's Persecution of the Christians: Tacitus, Annals 
Trajan's Policy Regarding the Christians: Pliny the Younger, Letters
In Defense of Christianity: Tertullian, Apology 
Constantine's Vision: Eusebius, Life of Constantine 
The Edict of Galerius: Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History 
The Edict of Milan: Lactantius, On the Deaths of the Persecutors


A Roman Epicurean: Lucretius, On the Nature of Things
On Law and J

Styliano Spyridakis
Bradley Nystrom