Anti-Anti Critical Thinking, Preliminary Edition

Edition: 0

Copyright: 2022

Pages: 238

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ISBN 9781792457340

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

Chapter 1: Logic, Reasoning, Rationality & Truth

Chapter 2: What Is Critical Thinking?

Chapter 3: Argument

Chapter 4: Logic

Chapter 5: Why Think Critically?

Chapter 6: Biases

Chapter 7: A Taxonomy of Fallacies

Chapter 8: Rational Coercion

Chapter 9:  Real-World Applications—Cops Out of Schools: The Arguments and Evidence

Jonathan Caravello

Chapter 1: Logic, Reasoning, Rationality & Truth

Chapter 2: What Is Critical Thinking?

Chapter 3: Argument

Chapter 4: Logic

Chapter 5: Why Think Critically?

Chapter 6: Biases

Chapter 7: A Taxonomy of Fallacies

Chapter 8: Rational Coercion

Chapter 9:  Real-World Applications—Cops Out of Schools: The Arguments and Evidence

Jonathan Caravello