Applied Aquatic Ecosystem Concepts

Author(s): Gerald L Mackie

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Numerous concepts are applied to everyday experiences that we have in our homes, at the cottages, while fishing, canoeing, or swimming Applied Aquatic Ecosystem Concepts by Gerald L. Mackie, provides explanations for observations that we often take for granted; why water and skies are blue, why snow flakes are six-sides, why pipes burst in the winter and why objects in water are "bent" from our angle or view. Applied Aquatic Ecosystem Concepts is a single source for information on freshwater concepts, the application of these concepts, and their integration and use for assessing impacts of different kinds of pollution. Applied Aquatic Ecosystem Concepts not only applies physical, chemical and biological concepts of rivers and lakes and specialized aquatic habitats, but also describes pollution, how to assess toxicity of pollutants, water quality, environmental impacts, conservation status of species at risk and how to control exotic species.

"This is a fantastic book that comprehensively gives a good introduction to a
plethora of aquatic ecological concepts. I was amazed at the balance between
the general application of ecological principles and the degree of detail used
to do so. Without overkill, the author provides adequate detail for each section,
effectively using figures and tables in a manner that conveys the important
components being outlined. Each chapter begins with a very useful set of points
that are highlighted and discussed, and then each point is marked within the chapter.
Further, the concepts are described without too many scientific references, which can
be distracting in educational texts. The glossary, species lists and index are adequate
and useful for general reference. This would be an especially good text for teaching at
the undergraduate and graduate levels in aquatic ecology or aquatic environmental
biology. Lessons and labs could be easily developed around this text. Mackie has done
a superb job at integrating a multitude of aquatic ecology principles within an applied
context, which I feel will be useful to many educators and professionals."

Richard W. Merritt, Professor
Departments of Entomology and Fisheries and Wildlife
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
 Table of Contents (brief)

CHAPTER 1: Unique Properties of Water and The Hydrological Cycle
CHAPTER 2: Parent Streams, the Mothers of Lakes
CHAPTER 3: Lakes, Their Origin and Design
CHAPTER 4: Know a Lake's Vital Signs
CHAPTER 5: Knowing a Lake's Healthy Signs
CHAPTER 6: PLANTS--The Lake's Aerators and Food Base
CHAPTER 7: Plankton - A Key Link Between Plants and Animals
CHAPTER 8: Benthos - A Link Between Water and Sediments
CHAPTER 9: Fish, The Seers of Aquatic Health and Vitality
CHAPTER 10: Specialized Stream Habitats
CHAPTER 11: Aquatic Toxicology
CHAPTER 12: Water Quality Assessment Techniques
CHAPTER 13: Water Pollution, Water Pollution Control and Water Treatment
CHAPTER 14: Biodiversity, The Weak and the Strong
CHAPTER 15: Glossary
Gerald L Mackie


Numerous concepts are applied to everyday experiences that we have in our homes, at the cottages, while fishing, canoeing, or swimming Applied Aquatic Ecosystem Concepts by Gerald L. Mackie, provides explanations for observations that we often take for granted; why water and skies are blue, why snow flakes are six-sides, why pipes burst in the winter and why objects in water are "bent" from our angle or view. Applied Aquatic Ecosystem Concepts is a single source for information on freshwater concepts, the application of these concepts, and their integration and use for assessing impacts of different kinds of pollution. Applied Aquatic Ecosystem Concepts not only applies physical, chemical and biological concepts of rivers and lakes and specialized aquatic habitats, but also describes pollution, how to assess toxicity of pollutants, water quality, environmental impacts, conservation status of species at risk and how to control exotic species.

"This is a fantastic book that comprehensively gives a good introduction to a
plethora of aquatic ecological concepts. I was amazed at the balance between
the general application of ecological principles and the degree of detail used
to do so. Without overkill, the author provides adequate detail for each section,
effectively using figures and tables in a manner that conveys the important
components being outlined. Each chapter begins with a very useful set of points
that are highlighted and discussed, and then each point is marked within the chapter.
Further, the concepts are described without too many scientific references, which can
be distracting in educational texts. The glossary, species lists and index are adequate
and useful for general reference. This would be an especially good text for teaching at
the undergraduate and graduate levels in aquatic ecology or aquatic environmental
biology. Lessons and labs could be easily developed around this text. Mackie has done
a superb job at integrating a multitude of aquatic ecology principles within an applied
context, which I feel will be useful to many educators and professionals."

Richard W. Merritt, Professor
Departments of Entomology and Fisheries and Wildlife
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824

 Table of Contents (brief)

CHAPTER 1: Unique Properties of Water and The Hydrological Cycle
CHAPTER 2: Parent Streams, the Mothers of Lakes
CHAPTER 3: Lakes, Their Origin and Design
CHAPTER 4: Know a Lake's Vital Signs
CHAPTER 5: Knowing a Lake's Healthy Signs
CHAPTER 6: PLANTS--The Lake's Aerators and Food Base
CHAPTER 7: Plankton - A Key Link Between Plants and Animals
CHAPTER 8: Benthos - A Link Between Water and Sediments
CHAPTER 9: Fish, The Seers of Aquatic Health and Vitality
CHAPTER 10: Specialized Stream Habitats
CHAPTER 11: Aquatic Toxicology
CHAPTER 12: Water Quality Assessment Techniques
CHAPTER 13: Water Pollution, Water Pollution Control and Water Treatment
CHAPTER 14: Biodiversity, The Weak and the Strong
CHAPTER 15: Glossary

Gerald L Mackie