An understanding of business case analysis is essential for the student of business and management. The Art of Business and Management: Case Analysis is intended for the neophyte business student and will demonstrate how business concepts are applied.
About the Author
Case Analysis: “Generalized Observations”
Common Case Errors
Working in a Group or Team – Toward Effective Results on Case Analyses Approaches to Case Analysis
Style 1 – Cases that Require Responses to Specific Questions
Style 2 – Cases that Require “Open-Ended Responses”
Approaching Style 2 Case Studies – A Suggested Outline
Toward a Grading Rubric
A Case to Explore…
The Art of Using Case Studies on Examinations
Articles in the Popular Press – A ‘Quasi-Vignette’
Applying the Multiple-choice or True/False Format
Applying the Short Answer Format
Final Thoughts
General Business/Management Cases
Leadership Behaviours at the Iron Oxide Mineral Corporation
The Fairborne Manufacturing Company Limited – Partners and the Corporate Raider
Downsizing The Apex Corporation (Part 1)
The Apex Corporation (Part 2) – Downsizing: Which Manager Gets Let Go?
The Kilowatt Electric Car Corporation
Marty’s Mall Mart
Water Street Optical
Governance at the Ronin Utilities of Inner Newfoundland (RUIN) Corporation
Exclusive Limousine Ltd.
Huang Chow Enterprises (HCE)
Arthur Cox
Northern Alkaline Battery Recycling Company Ltd.
Stromboni Racecar Corporation
Kevin’s Mobile Frozen Yoghurt
Human Resources Cases
Hiring Practices at Shelby’s Security Systems Inc.
Martin Parks
Bert’s Fine China Company Limited
Cardiac Ken
Sunsilva Corporation
Antonio Cerveza and Cerveza Custom Jewellery Inc.
Marketing Cases
The Abyss – Marketing and Social Media
Bob’s Electric Bingo
Molly’s Dog Training
Michaelcraft Inc.
Mulligan’s Fancy
Coca-Cola and Bottled Water
Stone Diamond’s Automobile Emporium
Willy’s Walleye Wiggler
Horloge de Jacques, SA
Accounting, Finance, and Auditing Cases
The Micron Corporation
The Standard Elevator Company
The Bentley Company Ltd.
Roblin Fertilizer Company Ltd.
Bob Brass’s Bowling Bash (the Four Bs)
Interactions Between Business, Government, And Civil Society
Barclay’s Chemical Foundries (BCF) Ltd.
Compound Y
The Rolling Rubber Tire Corporation
Universal Silicon Inc. (USI)
Friends of Canada’s Freshwaters
Robert Hinton’s Janitorial Cleaning Service
David H.J.
Dr. David H.J. Delcorde is the Director of Undergraduate Programs at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, where he has taught courses in business and management since 2002. He has also enjoyed a rewarding career in the Canadian federal public service spanning over thirty years and retiring as a member of the executive cadre. And is now a farmer ☺
Dr. Delcorde completed his undergraduate degree in business administration at the University of Ottawa; a Master of Business Administration from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland; a Master of Arts in International Business Management from the University of Westminster in London, England; and, a Doctorate in Philosophy from London South Bank University, London, England. He is a member of the Chartered College of Teaching, London, England.
Dr. Delcorde is the author of the textbook, “Canadian Business and Society,” also published by Kendall Hunt.