Basic Musicianship

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2018

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ISBN 9781524971328

Details KHPContent 180 days

Unit 1: Pitch Notation

Unit 2: Simple Rhythms and Meters Part 1

Unit 3: Simple Rhythms and Meters Part 2

Unit 4: Repeats and Endings, Eighth Notes, Dotted Quarter Notes

Unit 5: Musicality Markings: Dynamics, Tempo, Articulation; Form Markings

Unit 6: Flats, Sharps, Naturals

Unit 7: Major Scales

Unit 8: Major Scales, Chromatic Scale, Intervals, Circle of Fifths

Unit 9: Interval Quality and Transposition

Unit 10: Sixteenth Note Rhythm, Dotted Eighth Notes, Common Time

Unit 11: 3/8 and 6/8 Meters, Triplets, Syncopation

Unit 12: Triads, Scale Degree Names, Dominant 7th

Unit 13: Triad Inversions, V7 Inversions, Figured Bass, Major Chord Progressions

Unit 14: Minor Scales; Minor, Augmented, Diminished Triads

Unit 15: Minor Triads, Minor Chord Progressions, Modes

Unit 16: Harmonization, Accompaniments, Passing and Neighboring Tones

Steven D. Thompson

Steven Thompson is a professor of music and director of orchestras at American River College. His books, Introduction to Music of the Western World and Basic Musicianship, have been enjoyed by thousands of students as they take their first steps towards an interest in the music arts. He holds a doctorate in music from the University of Southern California and has over 25 years of experience lecturing and making music with students of all levels.

Portia O Njoku

Unit 1: Pitch Notation

Unit 2: Simple Rhythms and Meters Part 1

Unit 3: Simple Rhythms and Meters Part 2

Unit 4: Repeats and Endings, Eighth Notes, Dotted Quarter Notes

Unit 5: Musicality Markings: Dynamics, Tempo, Articulation; Form Markings

Unit 6: Flats, Sharps, Naturals

Unit 7: Major Scales

Unit 8: Major Scales, Chromatic Scale, Intervals, Circle of Fifths

Unit 9: Interval Quality and Transposition

Unit 10: Sixteenth Note Rhythm, Dotted Eighth Notes, Common Time

Unit 11: 3/8 and 6/8 Meters, Triplets, Syncopation

Unit 12: Triads, Scale Degree Names, Dominant 7th

Unit 13: Triad Inversions, V7 Inversions, Figured Bass, Major Chord Progressions

Unit 14: Minor Scales; Minor, Augmented, Diminished Triads

Unit 15: Minor Triads, Minor Chord Progressions, Modes

Unit 16: Harmonization, Accompaniments, Passing and Neighboring Tones

Steven D. Thompson

Steven Thompson is a professor of music and director of orchestras at American River College. His books, Introduction to Music of the Western World and Basic Musicianship, have been enjoyed by thousands of students as they take their first steps towards an interest in the music arts. He holds a doctorate in music from the University of Southern California and has over 25 years of experience lecturing and making music with students of all levels.

Portia O Njoku