Unit 1: Pitch Notation
Unit 2: Simple Rhythms and Meters Part 1
Unit 3: Simple Rhythms and Meters Part 2
Unit 4: Repeats and Endings, Eighth Notes, Dotted Quarter Notes
Unit 5: Musicality Markings: Dynamics, Tempo, Articulation; Form Markings
Unit 6: Flats, Sharps, Naturals
Unit 7: Major Scales
Unit 8: Major Scales, Chromatic Scale, Intervals, Circle of Fifths
Unit 9: Interval Quality and Transposition
Unit 10: Sixteenth Note Rhythm, Dotted Eighth Notes, Common Time
Unit 11: 3/8 and 6/8 Meters, Triplets, Syncopation
Unit 12: Triads, Scale Degree Names, Dominant 7th
Unit 13: Triad Inversions, V7 Inversions, Figured Bass, Major Chord Progressions
Unit 14: Minor Scales; Minor, Augmented, Diminished Triads
Unit 15: Minor Triads, Minor Chord Progressions, Modes
Unit 16: Harmonization, Accompaniments, Passing and Neighboring Tones