Written ideally for a semester long, general education course in introductory college biology, Biology: Principles and Perspectives, Fourth Edition, by John E. Silvius, offers a biblical, theistic, worldview approach to the study of life science. Biology: Principles and Perspectives provides information to students that allows them to reason analytically and to arrive at their own decisions concerning the origin of life, the environmental crisis, medical ethics, and other issues.
New to this edition of Biology: Principles and Perspectives:
- Improved graphic package with many new clear and helpful illustrations.
- Expanded presentation of a christian theistic perspective of the scientific method, environmental,
biomedical, and genetic ethics, and technology. - Ancillary CD containing most of the text figures.
Part 1 Life and Life Science
1 Foundation: Science and Faith
2 Biology and the Nature of Life
3 Biological Organization: Ecosystems toMolecules
4 Atoms and Molecules of Life
Part 2 Life and Environment
5 Energy Flow in Ecosystems
6 Nutrient Cycles
7 Population Biology
8 Global Ecology and Stewardship
Part 3 Life within Organisms
9 Diversity of Life
10 Nutrition
11 Reproduction
12 Genetics
13 Nervous Systems and Hormonal Systems
14 Homeostasis and Coordination of Life Processes
15 Genetic Variation and Selection
Part 4 Life within Cells
16 Cell Structure and Function
17 Genetic Control of Cellular Metabolism
18 Energy Capture and Conversion in Cells
APPENDIX A A Review of Basic Chemistry
APPENDIX B An Abbreviated Taxonomic Classification
APPENDIX C Developing Biological Literacy: A Study Strategy