California Eclectic: A Topical Geography

Edition: 3

Copyright: 2017

Pages: 288

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ISBN 9781524911829

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

Now available in a new third edition, California Eclectic: A Topical Geography explores the variety and complexity of the state's physical and cultural geography.

California Eclectic: A Topical Geography by Richard Hyslop, Lin Wu, and Sara Garver features topics on:

  • California's physical landscapes.
  • the historical geography of California.
  • the climates, vegetation, and water of California.
  • urban and rural lifestyles.
  • sustaining California and beyond.
  • much, much more!

Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview
Introduction: California in the Twenty-First Century
Travelogue Tales and Romance Musings
California through the Eyes of the Spaniards
Early American Images
Literary Visions
A Taste of Today
The Lure of Mild Climate
The Legacy of Horace Greeley
Midwestern Graffiti
The Grapes of Wrath
Lifestyle Change: Can California Maintain Its Mystique?
Is the Mobile Culture Affordable?
Is the Poolside Goddess a Thing of the Past?
Can Californians Become Energy Spartans?
California in Its Locational Context
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 2 Physical Landscapes of California
The Forces Behind
Plate Tectonics
Geological History of the State
Rock Structure and Distribution
Earthquakes in California
General Concepts
Lessons from the Past
Prediction and Future Earthquakes
External Forces and Processes
Glacial Processes and Landforms
Fluvial Processes and Landforms
Aeolian Processes and Landforms
Coastal Processes and Landforms
Geomorphic Regions
Dividing the Regions
Peninsular Ranges
Transverse Ranges
Coast Ranges
The Great Basin and the Southeast Deserts
Sierra Nevada
Klamath Mountains
Modoc Plateau and Southern Cascades
Central Valley
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 3 Historical Geography of California
The Original Californians
European Exploration
Spanish Dominance
Mission Settlement Patterns
The Mexican Period
The End of the Mission
The Romance of the Rancho
Foreign Incursions and Early Statehood
Mountain Men, Sailors, Pioneers, and Heroes
The Gold Rush
The Decline of the California Indian Population
The Rise of the Beef Industry
Transportation and California’s Evolution
Dry Farming and Irrigation Colonies
The “Black Gold” Rush: The Rise of the Petroleum Industry
The Ascent of the Western Stars: The Making of the Movie Capital
World War II: Enter Defense Plants, Exit Japanese Americans
Postwar California: American Suburbia
Patterns for the Present and Future
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 4 Climates of California
Controls of the Temperature
Water and Land
Ocean Currents
Controls of the Precipitation
Pressure Belts and Storm Tracks
Orographic Process
Convectional Precipitation
Fog and Low Clouds
Photochemical Smog
June Gloom
Regional and Local Winds
Westerly Winds
Santa Ana Winds
Sundown Wind of Santa Barbara
Sea and Land Breezes
Winds in the Mountains and Valleys
Missing Hurricanes and Rare Visits of Tornadoes
Climate Regional Variations
Climate Classification
Mediterranean Climate
Desert Climate
Highland Climate
Climate Change
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 5 Contemporary Folkways, Cultural Landscapes
Cultural Geographic Oddities
Isolation or Uniqueness
The Perceptual Regions of California
Logging Paul Bunyan Style: Redwood Country, Northern Forests, and Plains
Argonauts and Ghost Towns: Gold Country
A State without Wine Is Like a Day without Sunshine: Wine Country
Sophistication: The San Francisco Bay Area
Nashville West: Bakersfield, the Central Valley, and the Farm Belt
Neon Glitter: Southern California and Los Angeles
Beachboys, Boating, and the Body Beautiful: Southern Coastal Playgrounds
Resort Mecca and Commercial Hub: The San Diego Region
Mad Dogs and Californians
Creating Dreams: Disney, Knott, and Others
Eating Your Way to Nirvana—By Railroad, Bistro, Pub, and Drive-in
Isolating Age: Leisure World and Age Ghettos
The Art of Artsy California Burial
California’s Salad Bowl Culture
Recreation or Else
The Resort Mentality: A Place in the Sun
Spectator Spectacles: There’s More Than One Coliseum
Active Play: Everybody Is a Star
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 6 Vegetation of California
Taxonomic Divisions of California Flora
Endemic and Relict Species
Geographic Divisions of California Flora
Floristic Provinces
Plant Biomes and Plant Communities
Californian Floristic Province
Vancouverian Floristic Province
Great Basin Floristic Province
Sonoran Floristic Province
Coniferous Forest Biome
Vertical Cross Section of Elevation
Oak Woodlands Biome
Anthropogenic Impacts on Oak Woodlands
Sudden Oak Death
Grasslands and Marshes Biome
Vernal Pools
Chaparral and Coastal Sage Scrub Biome
Adaptation to Fire
Desert Scrublands and Woodlands Biome
Habitat Destruction
Introduced Plants
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 7 Lifestyle Choices: From Urban to Rural
Choices of Lifestyles
Changing Economic Impacts
Impacts of the “Third Wave”
Rural California
Where Is “Rural California”?
What Is “Rural California”?
Rural Economic Phenomena
General Patterns
Agriculture’s Role in the Rural California Environment
Population Trends
Challenges and Problems in Rural California
Along the Spectrum: Urban, Suburban, and Other Variations
The Context
The Three Classic Categories
A New Jargon of Living Places
The Geopolitical Landscape of California
School Districts
Special Districts
Summary: Patterns for the Future
Population Growth and Challenges
Sprawl and Space
Budget-Related Issues
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 8 California’s Water Resources
The Hydrologic Cycle
California’s State Hydrology
California’s Hydrologic Regions
The History of Water Use in California
Native American Period
Spanish and Mexican Period
American Period
The Evolution of Water Rights in California
Riparian Rights
Appropriative Rights
California Doctrine and California Water Code
Groundwater Law
Development of California’s Water Distribution System
The State Water Project
Central Valley Project
Colorado River Aqueduct and Canals
Los Angeles Aqueduct
Mono Lake Extension of the Los Angeles Aqueduct
Historic Lake Levels
Tuolumne River and Hetch Hetchy Delivery System
Impacts and Issues of Water Use
Summary: Sustaining California’s Water Supply into the Future
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 9 Economic Geography
Components of the California Economy
Creative Industries
California’s Agriculture
Natural Resources
Farms and Farmers
Major Products and Distribution
Livestock and Poultry
Field Crops
Greenhouse, Nursery and Floriculture
Vegetables, Fruits, and Nuts
Opportunities and Challenges
California’s Housing Market
Coastal versus Inland Markets
Impacts of Housing Market
The Silicon Valley
Ocean Economy
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 10 California’s Coastal Ocean Region
The Chumash
Ocean Economy
Environmental Protection
The Pacific Ocean and the California Current
Nearshore Waters
Kelp Forests
El Niño
The Southern California Bight
Municipal Wastewater and Stormwater Runoff
Offshore Waters
Sardine Fisheries
Marine Mammals
Coastal Landforms
Sea Cliffs, Marine Terraces, and Headlands
Beaches and Dunes
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 11 Sustaining California and Beyond
Needs of a Growing Population
Environmental Impact
Ecological Footprints
Land Degradation
Air Pollution, Water Pollution, and Solid Wastes
Impact of Climate Change
Solutions and Challenges
Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources
Solar Energy
Better Cars and Fewer Cars
Zero Waste
Alternative Agricultural Practices
Sustainable Home
Protect and Improve Biodiversity
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 12 California on the Threshold
The Prospects
The People
Growth and Population
Immigration, Migration, and Ethnicity
The Social Fabric
The Pacific Rim–The Pacific Century
The Natural Environment
Federal Regulations
State Regulations
The Water Problem
The Problem of Movement
The Future
Selected Bibliography



Color Section
Map 1 Selected Geographic Features in California
Map 2 California Population Distribution
Map 3 Geomorphic Regions of California
Map 4 California Climate Classification
Map 5 Precipitation Distribution in California
Map 6 January and July Temperature Distribution
Map 7 Floristic Provinces of California
Map 8 Distribution of the Five Primary Biomes of California Vegetation
Map 9 California Aqueducts
Map 10 California Renewable Energy Resources

Richard Hyslop

Richard Hyslop is Emeritus Professor of Geography at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, where he has taught for many years, earning several awards for outstanding teaching. In addition to his teaching, he has served variously as a practicing attorney, deputy fire chief, department chair, and coauthor of several texts. Areas of particular expertise include environmental law, urban and rural geography, California, and emergency management, including ongoing research on hazards management. He received his JD degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and his PhD from the University of California, Riverside.

Lin Wu

Lin Wu is a Professor of Geography and a faculty member of the Master of Science in Regenerative Studies Program at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Her research and teaching interests include urban climatology, physical geography, cartography, geographic information Sciences, environmental modeling, and environmental sustainability. She has been teaching Geography of California since 1989, and her online version of the course was recognized by the university as one of the best online courses. She has served as the department chair of the Geography and Anthropology department. She received her PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles. She enjoys traveling and landscape photography.

Sara Garver

Sara Garver is a Professor of Geography at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, where she has been a member of the department of Geography and Anthropology since 1997. Her areas of expertise and research include the use of tree rings to examine climate change and drought cycles in the western Unites States, the study of upper ocean ecosystem dynamics in the world’s oceans using remotely sensed imagery, and currently, changing vegetation patterns in the Mojave Desert. She teaches classes in the Geography of California, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Field Techniques, Remote Sensing, Digital Image Processing, Advanced Physical Geography, Climate Change, and Geographic Information Systems. Dr. Garver did her graduate work at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She spends her summers camping, hiking, and backpacking in the Sierra Nevada.

Now available in a new third edition, California Eclectic: A Topical Geography explores the variety and complexity of the state's physical and cultural geography.

California Eclectic: A Topical Geography by Richard Hyslop, Lin Wu, and Sara Garver features topics on:

  • California's physical landscapes.
  • the historical geography of California.
  • the climates, vegetation, and water of California.
  • urban and rural lifestyles.
  • sustaining California and beyond.
  • much, much more!

Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview
Introduction: California in the Twenty-First Century
Travelogue Tales and Romance Musings
California through the Eyes of the Spaniards
Early American Images
Literary Visions
A Taste of Today
The Lure of Mild Climate
The Legacy of Horace Greeley
Midwestern Graffiti
The Grapes of Wrath
Lifestyle Change: Can California Maintain Its Mystique?
Is the Mobile Culture Affordable?
Is the Poolside Goddess a Thing of the Past?
Can Californians Become Energy Spartans?
California in Its Locational Context
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 2 Physical Landscapes of California
The Forces Behind
Plate Tectonics
Geological History of the State
Rock Structure and Distribution
Earthquakes in California
General Concepts
Lessons from the Past
Prediction and Future Earthquakes
External Forces and Processes
Glacial Processes and Landforms
Fluvial Processes and Landforms
Aeolian Processes and Landforms
Coastal Processes and Landforms
Geomorphic Regions
Dividing the Regions
Peninsular Ranges
Transverse Ranges
Coast Ranges
The Great Basin and the Southeast Deserts
Sierra Nevada
Klamath Mountains
Modoc Plateau and Southern Cascades
Central Valley
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 3 Historical Geography of California
The Original Californians
European Exploration
Spanish Dominance
Mission Settlement Patterns
The Mexican Period
The End of the Mission
The Romance of the Rancho
Foreign Incursions and Early Statehood
Mountain Men, Sailors, Pioneers, and Heroes
The Gold Rush
The Decline of the California Indian Population
The Rise of the Beef Industry
Transportation and California’s Evolution
Dry Farming and Irrigation Colonies
The “Black Gold” Rush: The Rise of the Petroleum Industry
The Ascent of the Western Stars: The Making of the Movie Capital
World War II: Enter Defense Plants, Exit Japanese Americans
Postwar California: American Suburbia
Patterns for the Present and Future
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 4 Climates of California
Controls of the Temperature
Water and Land
Ocean Currents
Controls of the Precipitation
Pressure Belts and Storm Tracks
Orographic Process
Convectional Precipitation
Fog and Low Clouds
Photochemical Smog
June Gloom
Regional and Local Winds
Westerly Winds
Santa Ana Winds
Sundown Wind of Santa Barbara
Sea and Land Breezes
Winds in the Mountains and Valleys
Missing Hurricanes and Rare Visits of Tornadoes
Climate Regional Variations
Climate Classification
Mediterranean Climate
Desert Climate
Highland Climate
Climate Change
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 5 Contemporary Folkways, Cultural Landscapes
Cultural Geographic Oddities
Isolation or Uniqueness
The Perceptual Regions of California
Logging Paul Bunyan Style: Redwood Country, Northern Forests, and Plains
Argonauts and Ghost Towns: Gold Country
A State without Wine Is Like a Day without Sunshine: Wine Country
Sophistication: The San Francisco Bay Area
Nashville West: Bakersfield, the Central Valley, and the Farm Belt
Neon Glitter: Southern California and Los Angeles
Beachboys, Boating, and the Body Beautiful: Southern Coastal Playgrounds
Resort Mecca and Commercial Hub: The San Diego Region
Mad Dogs and Californians
Creating Dreams: Disney, Knott, and Others
Eating Your Way to Nirvana—By Railroad, Bistro, Pub, and Drive-in
Isolating Age: Leisure World and Age Ghettos
The Art of Artsy California Burial
California’s Salad Bowl Culture
Recreation or Else
The Resort Mentality: A Place in the Sun
Spectator Spectacles: There’s More Than One Coliseum
Active Play: Everybody Is a Star
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 6 Vegetation of California
Taxonomic Divisions of California Flora
Endemic and Relict Species
Geographic Divisions of California Flora
Floristic Provinces
Plant Biomes and Plant Communities
Californian Floristic Province
Vancouverian Floristic Province
Great Basin Floristic Province
Sonoran Floristic Province
Coniferous Forest Biome
Vertical Cross Section of Elevation
Oak Woodlands Biome
Anthropogenic Impacts on Oak Woodlands
Sudden Oak Death
Grasslands and Marshes Biome
Vernal Pools
Chaparral and Coastal Sage Scrub Biome
Adaptation to Fire
Desert Scrublands and Woodlands Biome
Habitat Destruction
Introduced Plants
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 7 Lifestyle Choices: From Urban to Rural
Choices of Lifestyles
Changing Economic Impacts
Impacts of the “Third Wave”
Rural California
Where Is “Rural California”?
What Is “Rural California”?
Rural Economic Phenomena
General Patterns
Agriculture’s Role in the Rural California Environment
Population Trends
Challenges and Problems in Rural California
Along the Spectrum: Urban, Suburban, and Other Variations
The Context
The Three Classic Categories
A New Jargon of Living Places
The Geopolitical Landscape of California
School Districts
Special Districts
Summary: Patterns for the Future
Population Growth and Challenges
Sprawl and Space
Budget-Related Issues
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 8 California’s Water Resources
The Hydrologic Cycle
California’s State Hydrology
California’s Hydrologic Regions
The History of Water Use in California
Native American Period
Spanish and Mexican Period
American Period
The Evolution of Water Rights in California
Riparian Rights
Appropriative Rights
California Doctrine and California Water Code
Groundwater Law
Development of California’s Water Distribution System
The State Water Project
Central Valley Project
Colorado River Aqueduct and Canals
Los Angeles Aqueduct
Mono Lake Extension of the Los Angeles Aqueduct
Historic Lake Levels
Tuolumne River and Hetch Hetchy Delivery System
Impacts and Issues of Water Use
Summary: Sustaining California’s Water Supply into the Future
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 9 Economic Geography
Components of the California Economy
Creative Industries
California’s Agriculture
Natural Resources
Farms and Farmers
Major Products and Distribution
Livestock and Poultry
Field Crops
Greenhouse, Nursery and Floriculture
Vegetables, Fruits, and Nuts
Opportunities and Challenges
California’s Housing Market
Coastal versus Inland Markets
Impacts of Housing Market
The Silicon Valley
Ocean Economy
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 10 California’s Coastal Ocean Region
The Chumash
Ocean Economy
Environmental Protection
The Pacific Ocean and the California Current
Nearshore Waters
Kelp Forests
El Niño
The Southern California Bight
Municipal Wastewater and Stormwater Runoff
Offshore Waters
Sardine Fisheries
Marine Mammals
Coastal Landforms
Sea Cliffs, Marine Terraces, and Headlands
Beaches and Dunes
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 11 Sustaining California and Beyond
Needs of a Growing Population
Environmental Impact
Ecological Footprints
Land Degradation
Air Pollution, Water Pollution, and Solid Wastes
Impact of Climate Change
Solutions and Challenges
Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources
Solar Energy
Better Cars and Fewer Cars
Zero Waste
Alternative Agricultural Practices
Sustainable Home
Protect and Improve Biodiversity
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 12 California on the Threshold
The Prospects
The People
Growth and Population
Immigration, Migration, and Ethnicity
The Social Fabric
The Pacific Rim–The Pacific Century
The Natural Environment
Federal Regulations
State Regulations
The Water Problem
The Problem of Movement
The Future
Selected Bibliography



Color Section
Map 1 Selected Geographic Features in California
Map 2 California Population Distribution
Map 3 Geomorphic Regions of California
Map 4 California Climate Classification
Map 5 Precipitation Distribution in California
Map 6 January and July Temperature Distribution
Map 7 Floristic Provinces of California
Map 8 Distribution of the Five Primary Biomes of California Vegetation
Map 9 California Aqueducts
Map 10 California Renewable Energy Resources

Richard Hyslop

Richard Hyslop is Emeritus Professor of Geography at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, where he has taught for many years, earning several awards for outstanding teaching. In addition to his teaching, he has served variously as a practicing attorney, deputy fire chief, department chair, and coauthor of several texts. Areas of particular expertise include environmental law, urban and rural geography, California, and emergency management, including ongoing research on hazards management. He received his JD degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and his PhD from the University of California, Riverside.

Lin Wu

Lin Wu is a Professor of Geography and a faculty member of the Master of Science in Regenerative Studies Program at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Her research and teaching interests include urban climatology, physical geography, cartography, geographic information Sciences, environmental modeling, and environmental sustainability. She has been teaching Geography of California since 1989, and her online version of the course was recognized by the university as one of the best online courses. She has served as the department chair of the Geography and Anthropology department. She received her PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles. She enjoys traveling and landscape photography.

Sara Garver

Sara Garver is a Professor of Geography at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, where she has been a member of the department of Geography and Anthropology since 1997. Her areas of expertise and research include the use of tree rings to examine climate change and drought cycles in the western Unites States, the study of upper ocean ecosystem dynamics in the world’s oceans using remotely sensed imagery, and currently, changing vegetation patterns in the Mojave Desert. She teaches classes in the Geography of California, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Field Techniques, Remote Sensing, Digital Image Processing, Advanced Physical Geography, Climate Change, and Geographic Information Systems. Dr. Garver did her graduate work at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She spends her summers camping, hiking, and backpacking in the Sierra Nevada.