"Organized into 12 sections with a total of 34 chapters, an epilogue, and an annotated videography, the textbook focuses on various aspects of Cambodian American histories, cultures, experiences, and communities. Also, the textbook’s pedagogical features are further highlighted in the Study Guide that accompanies it. The Study Guide is a space for students to review key terms, to paraphrase and summarize each chapter’s main idea(s), and to grapple with ten critical thinking questions that assist with reading comprehension, enhance analytical skills, and stimulate evaluative readings of each text."
Jonathan H. X.
Jonathan H. X. Lee, Ph.D., is professor of Asian American studies at San Francisco State University. His family survived the Cambodian genocide and arrived to the United States in 1981 when he was 5 years old. He identifies as Chinese-Vietnamese-and-Cambodian American. He received his doctorate in religious studies from the University of California at Santa Barbara in 2009. He has published 16 books, and over 500 articles and essays on Asian American histories, folklore, cultures, and religions. Currently, he serves as editor-in-chief of Chinese America: History & Perspectives, a peer-review journal published by the Chinese Historical Society of America. He is dedicated to anti-racist pedagogy in education, and has been invited by several Silicon Valley corporations and public institutions to speak on issues of equity, inclusion, and diversity.