Camp Costigan, A Memoir, is the author’s story of the camp owned and operated by her parents, Fritz and Winnie Costigan, known affectionately by generations of their campers and counselors as “Uncle Fritz” and “Aunt Wyn.” The memoir, set in Long Beach, New York, a seaside town, during the late 1940’s through the early 1960’s, unfolds in a series of stories describing her life as a camper, her two summers of freedom at sleep-away camp where she was not the boss’ daughter, and her summers back at Camp Costigan as a counselor each year until she graduates from college. Looking back with humor, affection, and, at times, compassion for her childhood growing pains, Camp Costigan, A Memoir depicts the fun and good times, as well as the sometimes, painful learning experiences of her camp days, as she tries to balance her needs as a camper or counselor with her parents’ expectations that she set an example.
Linda C
Linda Costigan Lederman (Ph.D. Rutgers) is Professor and Director of the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University where she served as Dean of Social Sciences from 2007–2012. An expert on communication, alcoholism and recovery, her research has been funded by grants from federal agencies, such as NIAAA, NIDA and DoE totaling more than $8 million.