Certification Success: Create Your Personalized Study Plan

Author(s): Amy Jauman

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2018

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ISBN 9781524961480

Details eBook w/AWP, AWLP and AWI 180 days


Certification Success: Create Your Personalized Study Plan can help you create a successful strategy that makes the most of how you process information – and might even make preparing for your exam enjoyable!

Whether it’s an industry requirement or employer preference, a certification can be what stands between you and the career you want. But to prepare for a certification, you have to study. And to obtain a certification, you have to pass an exam. As exams are becoming more prevalent and more important to professional success, adults are collectively becoming worse self-motivated learners. With all of these obstacles, how are you expected to pass the certifications we need?

Certification Success provides readers with a process for identifying the best approach to studying unique to them based on Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. By addressing how individuals best absorb information, readers can create a plan that includes a variety of learning approaches like watching videos on their lunch hour, sketching concepts on the bus ride home, participating in discussion boards – techniques that are more enjoyable, easier to schedule, and more effective for information retention based on their unique learning style.

Other critical factors for your study plan like motivation and environmental considerations are identified through three online assessments from Human eSources. You can create your own unique plan based on assessment results, your own experiences, and the recommendations provided in the chapter written specifically for your top-ranking intelligence!


Chapter 1: How Should You Use this Book?

Chapter 2: What Will Keep You Motivated?

Chapter 3: What Are Intelligences?










Chapter 4: The Four Steps for Creating Your Plan

My Certification Success Plan

     Step 1: Materials

     Step 2: Calendar

     Step 3: Motivation

     Step 4: Potential Challenges and Solutions

Chapter 5: Practical Test-Taking Tips

Chapter 6: Maintaining Your Certification

Amy Jauman

Dr. Amy Jauman, SMS, is an author, international speaker, and university professor in her home state of Minnesota. She focuses on using social media, experiential learning techniques, and online resources to make information meaningful to adult learners in traditional and remote business and educational environments. In 2013, after completing her social media strategy certification, she became a Certified SMS Instructor and went on to become NISM’s Chief Learning Officer. In 2017, she authored the NISM textbook Comprehensive Field Guide for Social Media Strategists: Master the Six Content Domains of the SMS Exam. Amy has a master’s degree in experiential education and a doctorate in organization development.


Certification Success: Create Your Personalized Study Plan can help you create a successful strategy that makes the most of how you process information – and might even make preparing for your exam enjoyable!

Whether it’s an industry requirement or employer preference, a certification can be what stands between you and the career you want. But to prepare for a certification, you have to study. And to obtain a certification, you have to pass an exam. As exams are becoming more prevalent and more important to professional success, adults are collectively becoming worse self-motivated learners. With all of these obstacles, how are you expected to pass the certifications we need?

Certification Success provides readers with a process for identifying the best approach to studying unique to them based on Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. By addressing how individuals best absorb information, readers can create a plan that includes a variety of learning approaches like watching videos on their lunch hour, sketching concepts on the bus ride home, participating in discussion boards – techniques that are more enjoyable, easier to schedule, and more effective for information retention based on their unique learning style.

Other critical factors for your study plan like motivation and environmental considerations are identified through three online assessments from Human eSources. You can create your own unique plan based on assessment results, your own experiences, and the recommendations provided in the chapter written specifically for your top-ranking intelligence!


Chapter 1: How Should You Use this Book?

Chapter 2: What Will Keep You Motivated?

Chapter 3: What Are Intelligences?










Chapter 4: The Four Steps for Creating Your Plan

My Certification Success Plan

     Step 1: Materials

     Step 2: Calendar

     Step 3: Motivation

     Step 4: Potential Challenges and Solutions

Chapter 5: Practical Test-Taking Tips

Chapter 6: Maintaining Your Certification

Amy Jauman

Dr. Amy Jauman, SMS, is an author, international speaker, and university professor in her home state of Minnesota. She focuses on using social media, experiential learning techniques, and online resources to make information meaningful to adult learners in traditional and remote business and educational environments. In 2013, after completing her social media strategy certification, she became a Certified SMS Instructor and went on to become NISM’s Chief Learning Officer. In 2017, she authored the NISM textbook Comprehensive Field Guide for Social Media Strategists: Master the Six Content Domains of the SMS Exam. Amy has a master’s degree in experiential education and a doctorate in organization development.