ChemActivities and LabActivities for General Education Chemistry

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2021

Pages: 336

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ISBN 9781792459658

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eBook Version 

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The cover art represents how the presence of certain chemicals in natural resources such as water can have an impact on the state of our world. The authors of this book believe that understanding the fundamental science behind issues in sustainability and environmentalism is just as important as taking action on those issues.

Written with non-science majors in mind, ChemActivities and LabActivities for General Education Chemistry uses a blend of traditional and guided-inquiry teaching formats to bring a broad range of current and historical chemistry topics to the modern university student. The activities and laboratory experiments encourage students to grow not only as chemistry students, but also as critical thinkers, deep readers, and resourceful members of a team.

Section A: Lecture PowerPoint Presentations
Lecture 0 Syllabus Highlights and Introduction
Lecture 1 Memory and How to Study Science
Lecture 2 Big and Small (Units and Conversions)
Lecture 3 Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures
Lecture 4 Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapons
Lecture 5 What’s in the Water?
Lecture 6 Water Purification
Lecture 7 What is Science?
Lecture 8 Scientific Revolutions
Lecture 9 Radiation and Global Warming
Lecture 10 Reactions and Energy
Lecture 11 Fuels and Alternative Fuels
Lecture 12 Batteries
Lecture 13 Organic Chemistry
Lecture 14 Food and Drugs

Section B: ChemActivities
ChemActivity 1 Atomic Structure
ChemActivity 2 Unit Conversions
ChemActivity 3 Molecules and Chemical Reactions
ChemActivity 4 Nuclear Reactions
ChemActivity 5 Solutions and Dissolving
ChemActivity 6  Acids and Bases
ChemActivity 7 Science and the Scientific Method
ChemActivity 8  Baloney Detection and Logical Fallacies
ChemActivity 9  Covalent Bonding and Lewis Structures
ChemActivity 10 Behavior of Gases
ChemActivity 10.5 Greenhouse Gas Effect
ChemActivity 11 Heat Transfer
ChemActivity 12 Activation Energy
ChemActivity 13 Electrochemistry
ChemActivity 14 Drawing Organic Molecules
ChemActivity 15 Chirality

Section C: LabActivities
LabActivity 1 Introduction to POGIL and Estimation
LabActivity 2 Density
LabActivity 3 Observing Chemical Reactions
LabActivity 4 Solutions and Dilutions
LabActivity 5 How Much Calcium is There in Water?
LabActivity 6 Preparation of an Ionic Compound
LabActivity 7 Debate
LabActivity 8 Practice Midterm Exam
LabActivity 9 Absorption Spectra of Colored Compounds
LabActivity 10 Generation of Hydrogen Gas
LabActivity 12 Determination of the Energy in Ethanol
LabActivity 13 Molecular Geometry
LabActivity 14 Candy Chromatography
LabActivity 15 The Sweetness of Aspartame

Section D: Useful Information for Chemistry

Christopher Nichols
Devin McBain

eBook Version 

You will receive access to this electronic text via email after using the shopping cart above to complete your purchase. 

The cover art represents how the presence of certain chemicals in natural resources such as water can have an impact on the state of our world. The authors of this book believe that understanding the fundamental science behind issues in sustainability and environmentalism is just as important as taking action on those issues.

Written with non-science majors in mind, ChemActivities and LabActivities for General Education Chemistry uses a blend of traditional and guided-inquiry teaching formats to bring a broad range of current and historical chemistry topics to the modern university student. The activities and laboratory experiments encourage students to grow not only as chemistry students, but also as critical thinkers, deep readers, and resourceful members of a team.

Section A: Lecture PowerPoint Presentations
Lecture 0 Syllabus Highlights and Introduction
Lecture 1 Memory and How to Study Science
Lecture 2 Big and Small (Units and Conversions)
Lecture 3 Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures
Lecture 4 Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapons
Lecture 5 What’s in the Water?
Lecture 6 Water Purification
Lecture 7 What is Science?
Lecture 8 Scientific Revolutions
Lecture 9 Radiation and Global Warming
Lecture 10 Reactions and Energy
Lecture 11 Fuels and Alternative Fuels
Lecture 12 Batteries
Lecture 13 Organic Chemistry
Lecture 14 Food and Drugs

Section B: ChemActivities
ChemActivity 1 Atomic Structure
ChemActivity 2 Unit Conversions
ChemActivity 3 Molecules and Chemical Reactions
ChemActivity 4 Nuclear Reactions
ChemActivity 5 Solutions and Dissolving
ChemActivity 6  Acids and Bases
ChemActivity 7 Science and the Scientific Method
ChemActivity 8  Baloney Detection and Logical Fallacies
ChemActivity 9  Covalent Bonding and Lewis Structures
ChemActivity 10 Behavior of Gases
ChemActivity 10.5 Greenhouse Gas Effect
ChemActivity 11 Heat Transfer
ChemActivity 12 Activation Energy
ChemActivity 13 Electrochemistry
ChemActivity 14 Drawing Organic Molecules
ChemActivity 15 Chirality

Section C: LabActivities
LabActivity 1 Introduction to POGIL and Estimation
LabActivity 2 Density
LabActivity 3 Observing Chemical Reactions
LabActivity 4 Solutions and Dilutions
LabActivity 5 How Much Calcium is There in Water?
LabActivity 6 Preparation of an Ionic Compound
LabActivity 7 Debate
LabActivity 8 Practice Midterm Exam
LabActivity 9 Absorption Spectra of Colored Compounds
LabActivity 10 Generation of Hydrogen Gas
LabActivity 12 Determination of the Energy in Ethanol
LabActivity 13 Molecular Geometry
LabActivity 14 Candy Chromatography
LabActivity 15 The Sweetness of Aspartame

Section D: Useful Information for Chemistry

Christopher Nichols
Devin McBain