Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry for General Chemistry 1 - CHEM 110

Author(s): Santiago Toledo

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2023

Pages: 270

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ISBN 9798385109265

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To the Student 

Atomic Structure
1 What Makes an Atom? 
2 Are an Element’s Atoms Identical? 
3 What is Coulomb’s Law? 
4 How Can Data Be Used to Develop a Model for Electrons in Atoms? 
5 How Does the Shell Model Change When New Data is Obtained? 
6 What Size Are Atoms? 
7 What are Important Characteristics of Light? 
8 What is Photoelectron Spectroscopy? 
9 Does the Shell Model Change Again When More Data is Obtained? 
10 Why Does the Periodic Table Look Like That? 
11 What is Electron Spin? 

Molecular Structure 
12 How do Chemists Represent Simple Molecules? 
13 Are All Bonds the Same?
14 Is One Lewis Structure Enough? 
15 What is Formal Charge? 
16 Does The Octet Rule Always Apply? 
17 What Shapes Do Molecules Have? 
18 What Are Hybrid Orbitals? 
19 How Tightly Are Valence Electrons Held? 
20 Are Electrons Shared Equally? 
21 What is a Dipole Moment? 

Solids and Liquids
22 What is an Ionic Bond? 
23 What Makes a Metal Metallic? 
24 What Type of Bonding is Present? 
25 What Determines a Boiling Point? 

26 How Many is a Mole? 
27 What Information Does a Chemical Equation Provide? 
28 How Much Can You Make? 
29 Can a Molecule Be Identified By Its Percent Composition? 
30 How Concentrated is That Solution? 

31 How Does an Ideal Gas Behave? 

32 Is Energy Released or Used When a Bond Breaks? 
33 Is Energy Released or Consumed When a Chemical Reaction Occurs? 

Oxidation Numbers 
47 What Are Oxidation Numbers? 

TABLE A.1 Values of Selected Fundamental Constants 
TABLE A.2 Selected Conversion Factors 
TABLE A.3 Standard-State Enthalpies, Free Energies, and Entropies of Atom Combination

Santiago Toledo

To the Student 

Atomic Structure
1 What Makes an Atom? 
2 Are an Element’s Atoms Identical? 
3 What is Coulomb’s Law? 
4 How Can Data Be Used to Develop a Model for Electrons in Atoms? 
5 How Does the Shell Model Change When New Data is Obtained? 
6 What Size Are Atoms? 
7 What are Important Characteristics of Light? 
8 What is Photoelectron Spectroscopy? 
9 Does the Shell Model Change Again When More Data is Obtained? 
10 Why Does the Periodic Table Look Like That? 
11 What is Electron Spin? 

Molecular Structure 
12 How do Chemists Represent Simple Molecules? 
13 Are All Bonds the Same?
14 Is One Lewis Structure Enough? 
15 What is Formal Charge? 
16 Does The Octet Rule Always Apply? 
17 What Shapes Do Molecules Have? 
18 What Are Hybrid Orbitals? 
19 How Tightly Are Valence Electrons Held? 
20 Are Electrons Shared Equally? 
21 What is a Dipole Moment? 

Solids and Liquids
22 What is an Ionic Bond? 
23 What Makes a Metal Metallic? 
24 What Type of Bonding is Present? 
25 What Determines a Boiling Point? 

26 How Many is a Mole? 
27 What Information Does a Chemical Equation Provide? 
28 How Much Can You Make? 
29 Can a Molecule Be Identified By Its Percent Composition? 
30 How Concentrated is That Solution? 

31 How Does an Ideal Gas Behave? 

32 Is Energy Released or Used When a Bond Breaks? 
33 Is Energy Released or Consumed When a Chemical Reaction Occurs? 

Oxidation Numbers 
47 What Are Oxidation Numbers? 

TABLE A.1 Values of Selected Fundamental Constants 
TABLE A.2 Selected Conversion Factors 
TABLE A.3 Standard-State Enthalpies, Free Energies, and Entropies of Atom Combination

Santiago Toledo