Chicanos, Latinos & Cultural Diversity: An Anthology
Author(s): Dionne Espinoza , Richard Rodriguez , Ester Hernandez , Lionel Maldonado
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2004
Pages: 382
Introduction, Dionne Espinoza, Ester E. Hernndez, Richard T. Rodriguez, and Lionel A. Maldonado
The Hispanic Population in the United States: March 2002
Roberto R. Ramirez and G. Patricia de la Cruz
Part I Cultural and Historical Roots of Incorporation
Introduction, Dionne Espinoza & Richard T. Rodriguez
Chicano Indianism, Martha Menchaca
A Chicano in Spain, Rodolfo Anaya
A Different Mirror, Ronald T. Takaki
Hispanics and the Media, Marco Portales
Study Questions/Videos/Recommended Readings
Part II Immigration
Introduction, Ester E. Hernndez and Lionel Maldonado
Face the Nation: Race, Immigration, and the Rise of Nativism in Late Twentieth Century America, George J. Snchez
Engendering Migration Studies: The Case of New Immigrants in the United States, Patricia R. Pessar
Dimensions of Economic Adaptation by Mexican-Origin Men, Dowell Myers
Two Letters Home, Lety Martinez Gonzlez and Patricia Zrate
From "In Search of Bernab," Graciela Limon
Open Season [Excerpt], Bob Moser
Study Questions/Videos/Recommended Readings
Part III Urban Space and the Postindustrial Economy
Introduction, Ester E. Hernandez
Immigration and Urban Change, Roger Waldinger
Who Subsidizes Whom? Latina/o Immigrants in the Los Angeles Garment Industry, Socorro T. Sarmiento
Asian Americans and Latinos in San Gabriel Valley, California, Leland T. Saito
Economic Geography of Latino Los Angeles, Victor M. Valle and Rodolfo Torres
Los Paleteros, Camilo José Vergara
From These Black and Brown Streets: L.A. Revisited, Luis I. Rodriguez
Study Questions/Videos/Recommended Readings
Part IV Youth
Introduction, Richard T. Rodriguez
Star Struck: Acculturation, Adolescence, and the Mexican American Woman, 1920--1950, Vicki L. Ruiz
Memories of El Monte: Intercultural Dance Halls in Post World War II Greater Los Angeles, Matt Garcia
Charting a New Future for Urban Youth, James Diego Vigil
Central American Refugees in Los Angeles: Adjustment of Children and Families, Claudia Dorrington
Women without Class: Chicas, Cholas, Trash, and the Presence/Absence of Class Identity, Julie Bettie
Study Questions/Videos/Recommended Readings
Part V Social Movements and Politics
Introduction, Dionne Espinoza
Always Say You're Mexican, Marlan Morales
The Rise of the Chicano Student Movement and Chicano Power, Carlos Muoz
The Development of Chicana Feminist Discourse, 1970--1980,
Alma M. Garcia
Latino Politics--Class Struggles: Reflections on the Future of Latino Politics, Martha E. Gimenez
Chicana/o Organizational Politics and Strategies in the Era of Retrenchment, Isidro D. Ortiz
Gay and Lesbian Latinos Claiming "La Raza," Eric-Steven Gutirrez
Radical Turn for a Rebel, Mark Arax, Rich Connell, Daniel Hernndez,
Robert J. Lopez, and Jenifer Mena
Study Questions/Videos/Recommended Readings
Introduction, Dionne Espinoza, Ester E. Hernndez, Richard T. Rodriguez, and Lionel A. Maldonado
The Hispanic Population in the United States: March 2002
Roberto R. Ramirez and G. Patricia de la Cruz
Part I Cultural and Historical Roots of Incorporation
Introduction, Dionne Espinoza & Richard T. Rodriguez
Chicano Indianism, Martha Menchaca
A Chicano in Spain, Rodolfo Anaya
A Different Mirror, Ronald T. Takaki
Hispanics and the Media, Marco Portales
Study Questions/Videos/Recommended Readings
Part II Immigration
Introduction, Ester E. Hernndez and Lionel Maldonado
Face the Nation: Race, Immigration, and the Rise of Nativism in Late Twentieth Century America, George J. Snchez
Engendering Migration Studies: The Case of New Immigrants in the United States, Patricia R. Pessar
Dimensions of Economic Adaptation by Mexican-Origin Men, Dowell Myers
Two Letters Home, Lety Martinez Gonzlez and Patricia Zrate
From "In Search of Bernab," Graciela Limon
Open Season [Excerpt], Bob Moser
Study Questions/Videos/Recommended Readings
Part III Urban Space and the Postindustrial Economy
Introduction, Ester E. Hernandez
Immigration and Urban Change, Roger Waldinger
Who Subsidizes Whom? Latina/o Immigrants in the Los Angeles Garment Industry, Socorro T. Sarmiento
Asian Americans and Latinos in San Gabriel Valley, California, Leland T. Saito
Economic Geography of Latino Los Angeles, Victor M. Valle and Rodolfo Torres
Los Paleteros, Camilo José Vergara
From These Black and Brown Streets: L.A. Revisited, Luis I. Rodriguez
Study Questions/Videos/Recommended Readings
Part IV Youth
Introduction, Richard T. Rodriguez
Star Struck: Acculturation, Adolescence, and the Mexican American Woman, 1920--1950, Vicki L. Ruiz
Memories of El Monte: Intercultural Dance Halls in Post World War II Greater Los Angeles, Matt Garcia
Charting a New Future for Urban Youth, James Diego Vigil
Central American Refugees in Los Angeles: Adjustment of Children and Families, Claudia Dorrington
Women without Class: Chicas, Cholas, Trash, and the Presence/Absence of Class Identity, Julie Bettie
Study Questions/Videos/Recommended Readings
Part V Social Movements and Politics
Introduction, Dionne Espinoza
Always Say You're Mexican, Marlan Morales
The Rise of the Chicano Student Movement and Chicano Power, Carlos Muoz
The Development of Chicana Feminist Discourse, 1970--1980,
Alma M. Garcia
Latino Politics--Class Struggles: Reflections on the Future of Latino Politics, Martha E. Gimenez
Chicana/o Organizational Politics and Strategies in the Era of Retrenchment, Isidro D. Ortiz
Gay and Lesbian Latinos Claiming "La Raza," Eric-Steven Gutirrez
Radical Turn for a Rebel, Mark Arax, Rich Connell, Daniel Hernndez,
Robert J. Lopez, and Jenifer Mena
Study Questions/Videos/Recommended Readings