1 Basic Concepts - Matter, Mathematical Manipulations, Measurements, Dimensional Analysis, Density, Specific Gravity, Temperature, and Heat Transfer
2 Elements and Compounds
3 Chemical Formulas and Composition Stoichiometry
4 Chemical Equations and Reaction Stoichiometry
5 Predicting Formulas of Ionic Compounds, Oxidation Numbers, and Nomenclature
6 Chemical Reactions
7 Redox Reactions and Stoichiometry
8 Gases
9 Quantum Theory and The Electronic Structure of Atoms
10 Chemical Periodicity
11 Chemical Bonding: Basic Concepts
12 Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory and Valence Bond Theory
13 Molecular Orbital Theory
14 Acids and Bases: Properties, Theories, and Strengths
15 Rudimentary Concepts in Thermochemistry
A1 Answers to Multiple Choice Practice Exams
A2 Conversion Factors, Prefixes, and Physical Constants
A3 Nomenclature Concept Mapping for Naming Inorganic Compounds
A4 Periodic Table, Solubility Rules and Electromotive Series
A5 Practice Final Exam
A6 Useful Formulas and Conversions to Use for Practice Final Exam
A7 Names and Symbols for Elements that need to be Learned