CHM1025: Introductory Chemistry Modules


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Module 1: Rounding Off Numbers, Scientific Notation, Significant Figures and Powers of 10
Module 2: Mathematical Operations Involving Powers of Ten
Module 3: Measurements and Conversions - Part I
Module 4: Measurements and Conversions - Part II
Module 5: Introduction to Matter: Elements and Compounds
Module 6: Electronic Structure and Chemical Periodicity
Module 7: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry
Module 8: Writing and Predicting Chemical Formulas, Oxidation Numbers and Nomenclature
Module 9: Calculations Involving Elements and Compounds - Composition Stoichiometry
Module 10: Balancing Chemical Equations and Reaction Stoichiometry
Module 11: Chemical Reactions
Module 12: Solutions and Solution Stoichiometry

A1: Metric Prefixes and Conversions
A2: Solubility Rules and Electromotive Series
A3: Supplemental Problems for Modules 2, 3 and 4
A4: Exceptions to the Octet Rule
A5: Practicing Algebraic Manipulations
A6: Practice Questions for Final Exam
A7: Practice Multiple Choice Questions
A8: Module Summary
A9: Mastery Exercises


Module 1: Rounding Off Numbers, Scientific Notation, Significant Figures and Powers of 10
Module 2: Mathematical Operations Involving Powers of Ten
Module 3: Measurements and Conversions - Part I
Module 4: Measurements and Conversions - Part II
Module 5: Introduction to Matter: Elements and Compounds
Module 6: Electronic Structure and Chemical Periodicity
Module 7: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry
Module 8: Writing and Predicting Chemical Formulas, Oxidation Numbers and Nomenclature
Module 9: Calculations Involving Elements and Compounds - Composition Stoichiometry
Module 10: Balancing Chemical Equations and Reaction Stoichiometry
Module 11: Chemical Reactions
Module 12: Solutions and Solution Stoichiometry

A1: Metric Prefixes and Conversions
A2: Solubility Rules and Electromotive Series
A3: Supplemental Problems for Modules 2, 3 and 4
A4: Exceptions to the Octet Rule
A5: Practicing Algebraic Manipulations
A6: Practice Questions for Final Exam
A7: Practice Multiple Choice Questions
A8: Module Summary
A9: Mastery Exercises