CIT 202:The Human Journey Seminars: Great Books in Catholic Intellectual


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Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Relgions (Nostra Aetate)
Vatican Council II

from Charity in Truth (Caritas in Veritate)
Pope Benedict XVI
Chapter Four: The Development of People—
Rights and Duties—the Environment 
Chapter Five: The Cooperation of the Human Family 

from The Uses of Knowledge
John Henry Newman
 I. Knowledge Its Own End 
III. Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Professional Skill 
IV. Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Religion 

from The Major Works
Gerard Manley Hopkins
God’s Grandeur 
Pied Beauty 
Binsey Poplars 

from The Seven Storey Mountain 
Thomas Merton

Poverty in the Face of Christ 
Dorothy Day

Selected Writings
Dorothy Day
The Mystery of the Poor 
Room for Christ 
The Scandal of the Works of Mercy 

The Option for the Poor Arises from Faith in Christ 
Gustavo Gutiérrez

Letter from Birmingham Jail 
Martin Luther King Jr.


Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Relgions (Nostra Aetate)
Vatican Council II

from Charity in Truth (Caritas in Veritate)
Pope Benedict XVI
Chapter Four: The Development of People—
Rights and Duties—the Environment 
Chapter Five: The Cooperation of the Human Family 

from The Uses of Knowledge
John Henry Newman
 I. Knowledge Its Own End 
III. Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Professional Skill 
IV. Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Religion 

from The Major Works
Gerard Manley Hopkins
God’s Grandeur 
Pied Beauty 
Binsey Poplars 

from The Seven Storey Mountain 
Thomas Merton

Poverty in the Face of Christ 
Dorothy Day

Selected Writings
Dorothy Day
The Mystery of the Poor 
Room for Christ 
The Scandal of the Works of Mercy 

The Option for the Poor Arises from Faith in Christ 
Gustavo Gutiérrez

Letter from Birmingham Jail 
Martin Luther King Jr.