Computer Game Development: An Introduction to GameMaker

Author(s): David C. Bover

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2011

Pages: 206

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ISBN 9781465222992

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eBook Version

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Available in Print and eBook Formats

Computer Game Development: An Introduction to GameMaker describes concepts involved in the design of computer games. The publication presents the reader with a set of criteria and principles to be considered in the design of games.

The publication gives an introduction to GameMaker, a game software development program written by Mark Overmars, a professor at the Institute of Information and Computing Sciences at Utrecht University, Holland.

GameMaker, developed using the Borland Delphi rapid development environment for the Microsoft Windows operating system running on the Intel Pentium processor, is available for free download from For a modest license fee, the software's full capability becomes available. However, the unlicensed version provides all the features needed for development of quite substantial games.

Chapter 1 Computer Games
Chapter 2 Introduction to GameMaker
Chapter 3 Elements of Games
Chapter 4 Sprites
Chapter 5 Player Interaction
Chapter 6 Objects
Chapter 7 Time
Chapter 8 Drawing
Chapter 9 Keeping Score
Chapter 10 Conditional Actions
Chapter 11 Game Information
Chapter 12 Rooms
Chapter 13 Paths
Chapter 14 Gravity and Friction
Chapter 15 Variables and Expressions
Chapter 16 Functions
Chapter 17 GameMaker Language (GML)
Chapter 18 Visual Effects
Chapter 19 Artificial Intelligence
David C. Bover

eBook Version

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Available in Print and eBook Formats

Computer Game Development: An Introduction to GameMaker describes concepts involved in the design of computer games. The publication presents the reader with a set of criteria and principles to be considered in the design of games.

The publication gives an introduction to GameMaker, a game software development program written by Mark Overmars, a professor at the Institute of Information and Computing Sciences at Utrecht University, Holland.

GameMaker, developed using the Borland Delphi rapid development environment for the Microsoft Windows operating system running on the Intel Pentium processor, is available for free download from For a modest license fee, the software's full capability becomes available. However, the unlicensed version provides all the features needed for development of quite substantial games.

Chapter 1 Computer Games
Chapter 2 Introduction to GameMaker
Chapter 3 Elements of Games
Chapter 4 Sprites
Chapter 5 Player Interaction
Chapter 6 Objects
Chapter 7 Time
Chapter 8 Drawing
Chapter 9 Keeping Score
Chapter 10 Conditional Actions
Chapter 11 Game Information
Chapter 12 Rooms
Chapter 13 Paths
Chapter 14 Gravity and Friction
Chapter 15 Variables and Expressions
Chapter 16 Functions
Chapter 17 GameMaker Language (GML)
Chapter 18 Visual Effects
Chapter 19 Artificial Intelligence

David C. Bover