Computing Essentials for an IT Age introduces students to the plethora of computer systems and networks - along with the constantly evolving benefits they offer. Created for both online and in-person introduction to computers courses, this turn-key course package includes a beautiful color lecture manual (eBook), lab content, tests, and quizzes all in a digital package.
Developed through extensive data analysis from both students and instructors, Computing Essentials for an IT Age:
- includes comprehensive key terminology in a flash card format and “Let’s Review” questions to enforce concepts presented in each lesson.
- features a series of videos to enhance the lecture material for each lesson - further illustrating concepts.
- presents hands-on lab assignments for students to learn and/or gain a better understanding of the following programs: Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access.
- integrates full course management software, including a gradebook, test/quizzes with automatic assessment, dropbox, and more.
Unit 1: The Computer and Its Components
Lesson 1: Computer Fundamentals
Lesson 2: The System Unit
Lesson 3: Input/Output and Storage Devices
Unit 2: System and Application Software
Lesson 4: System Software
Lesson 5: Application Software
Unit 3: Communication on the Internet and the World Wide Web
Lesson 6: How the Internet Works
Lesson 7: Networking Fundamentals
Unit 4: The Computer Industry: Careers, System, Analysis, and Database Design
Lesson 8: The Computer Industry
Lesson 9: Systems Analysis and Design
Lesson 10: Databases