Consciousness and Behavior

Edition: 5

Copyright: 2011

Pages: 486

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ISBN 9781465261427

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Consciousness and Behavior introduces students to those controversial yet popular areas of psychology that are typically neglected or given very little attention in traditional course offerings. Now in a new 5th edition, Consciousness and Behavior includes the most recent information on brain and genetic factors motivating consciousness and behavior.

Consciousness and Behavior

  • Includes the most recent information on brain and genetic factors motivating consciousness and behavior.
  • Presents the topics at a level that does not necessitate prerequisites for reading and understanding.
  • Features the most recent information regarding clinical efficacy of each of the potential therapeutic techniques addressed in the book, including hypnosis, biofeedback, meditation, and sensory deprivation.
  • Cites over 380 new references, 30 percent of which have been published within the last two years. 

Introduction What Is Consciousness?
And What About Qualia?
Classic and Contemporary Theories of Consciousness
Classic Theories of Consciousness
Contemporary Theories of Consciousness
A Taxonomy of States of Consciousness
For Further Reading

The Physiology of Consciousness Microscopic Neuroanatomy
Neural Conduction
Synaptic Transmission
Gross Neuroanatomy
The Central Nervous System
The Spinal Cord
Research Techniques
The Brain
Toward a Biological Basis of Consciousness
Historical Background
Split Brain, Split Consciousness
Visual Field
Can Consciousness Be Enhanced by Increasing Hemispheric Communication? Research on Handedness
Research on Bilateral Brain Activation
Neural Correlates of Consciousness
For Further Reading

Consciousness-Altering Drugs Pharmacology of Neurotransmission
Basic Psychopharmacological Concepts
Sedative-Hypnotic Compounds
Behavioral Stimulants and Convulsants
Methylendioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
Narcotic Analgesics (Opiates)
Psychedelics and Hallucinogens
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
For Further Reading

Hypnosis Hypnosis and Consciousness
Historical Development
Assessing Hypnotic Susceptibility
The Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale
The Barber Suggestibility Scale/Carleton University Responsiveness to Suggestion Scale
The Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility
The Group Scale of Hypnotic Ability
The Waterloo-Stanford Group C Test of Hypnotic Susceptibility
Correlates of Hypnotizability
Cognitive Correlates
Personality Correlates
Physiological Correlates
Habit Control
Sexual Dysfunctions
Hypnosis and Pain Control
Hypnosis and Memory
Hypnosis and Perception
Contemporary Theories of Hypnosis
For Further Reading

Biofeedback Biofeedback and Consciousness
Historical Development
The Biofeedback Training Process
The Trainee
The Trainer
The Instrument
The Training Sessions
Evaluating Biofeedback Treatments
Biofeedback Applications
Migraine Headache
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Other Conditions
Biofeedback and the Production of Altered States
Research and Biofeedback
For Further Reading

Meditation Meditation and Consciousness
Historical Development
What's 'Vedic Science?'
Meditative Styles
Concentrative Meditation
Opening-Up Meditation
Other Types of Meditation
Theories of Meditation
Deikman and Ornstein
Theories Compared
Habituation and Dishabituation
Correlates of Meditation
Psychological Correlates
Physiological Correlates
Neural Correlates of Meditation
Alpha Waves
Theta Waves
Gamma Waves
Brain Correlates
Neural Plasticity
Other Correlates
For Further Reading

Sleep and Dreams Sleep, Dreams, and Consciousness
Historical Development
Sleep, Dreams, and the EEG
Studying Your Sleep
Sleep Restriction and Too Much Sleep
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Learning
Sleep and Memory
Neural Correlates of Sleep and Memory
Sleep Disorders
Theories of Sleep
On Dreams and Dreaming
Theories of Dream Activity
Sigmund Freud
Carl Jung
Other Theories
Daydreaming: Another Level of Consciousness
Sexual Fantasies
For Further Reading

Sensory Deprivation Sensory Deprivation and Consciousness
Historical Background
The McGill Studies
Sensory Deprivation Research After McGill
Experimental Procedures
Restricted Environmental Stimulation Theory
Sensory Deprivation and Altered States of Consciousness
Neural Correlates of Sensory Deprivation
Clinical Potential of Sensory Deprivation
For Further Reading

Parapsychology Parapsychology and Consciousness
Historical Development
Extrasensory Perception
Remote Viewing
Factors Influencing Experimental Findings
Ganzfeld Controls
Individual Differences
Hypnotic Influences
Poltergeist Phenomena
Kirlian Photography
Random Event Generation
Paranormal Phenomena and "Anomolies" in Science
The Out-of-Body Experience
The Near-Death Experience
Psychic Healing
General Theories of Parapsychology
Contemporary Theories of Parapsychology
Neural Correlates of Paranormal Ability
General Problems
For Further Reading

Future Applications of Consciousness
For Further Reading



Benjamin Wallace
Leslie Fisher
Barbara Oswald

Consciousness and Behavior introduces students to those controversial yet popular areas of psychology that are typically neglected or given very little attention in traditional course offerings. Now in a new 5th edition, Consciousness and Behavior includes the most recent information on brain and genetic factors motivating consciousness and behavior.

Consciousness and Behavior

  • Includes the most recent information on brain and genetic factors motivating consciousness and behavior.
  • Presents the topics at a level that does not necessitate prerequisites for reading and understanding.
  • Features the most recent information regarding clinical efficacy of each of the potential therapeutic techniques addressed in the book, including hypnosis, biofeedback, meditation, and sensory deprivation.
  • Cites over 380 new references, 30 percent of which have been published within the last two years. 

Introduction What Is Consciousness?
And What About Qualia?
Classic and Contemporary Theories of Consciousness
Classic Theories of Consciousness
Contemporary Theories of Consciousness
A Taxonomy of States of Consciousness
For Further Reading

The Physiology of Consciousness Microscopic Neuroanatomy
Neural Conduction
Synaptic Transmission
Gross Neuroanatomy
The Central Nervous System
The Spinal Cord
Research Techniques
The Brain
Toward a Biological Basis of Consciousness
Historical Background
Split Brain, Split Consciousness
Visual Field
Can Consciousness Be Enhanced by Increasing Hemispheric Communication? Research on Handedness
Research on Bilateral Brain Activation
Neural Correlates of Consciousness
For Further Reading

Consciousness-Altering Drugs Pharmacology of Neurotransmission
Basic Psychopharmacological Concepts
Sedative-Hypnotic Compounds
Behavioral Stimulants and Convulsants
Methylendioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
Narcotic Analgesics (Opiates)
Psychedelics and Hallucinogens
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
For Further Reading

Hypnosis Hypnosis and Consciousness
Historical Development
Assessing Hypnotic Susceptibility
The Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale
The Barber Suggestibility Scale/Carleton University Responsiveness to Suggestion Scale
The Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility
The Group Scale of Hypnotic Ability
The Waterloo-Stanford Group C Test of Hypnotic Susceptibility
Correlates of Hypnotizability
Cognitive Correlates
Personality Correlates
Physiological Correlates
Habit Control
Sexual Dysfunctions
Hypnosis and Pain Control
Hypnosis and Memory
Hypnosis and Perception
Contemporary Theories of Hypnosis
For Further Reading

Biofeedback Biofeedback and Consciousness
Historical Development
The Biofeedback Training Process
The Trainee
The Trainer
The Instrument
The Training Sessions
Evaluating Biofeedback Treatments
Biofeedback Applications
Migraine Headache
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Other Conditions
Biofeedback and the Production of Altered States
Research and Biofeedback
For Further Reading

Meditation Meditation and Consciousness
Historical Development
What's 'Vedic Science?'
Meditative Styles
Concentrative Meditation
Opening-Up Meditation
Other Types of Meditation
Theories of Meditation
Deikman and Ornstein
Theories Compared
Habituation and Dishabituation
Correlates of Meditation
Psychological Correlates
Physiological Correlates
Neural Correlates of Meditation
Alpha Waves
Theta Waves
Gamma Waves
Brain Correlates
Neural Plasticity
Other Correlates
For Further Reading

Sleep and Dreams Sleep, Dreams, and Consciousness
Historical Development
Sleep, Dreams, and the EEG
Studying Your Sleep
Sleep Restriction and Too Much Sleep
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Learning
Sleep and Memory
Neural Correlates of Sleep and Memory
Sleep Disorders
Theories of Sleep
On Dreams and Dreaming
Theories of Dream Activity
Sigmund Freud
Carl Jung
Other Theories
Daydreaming: Another Level of Consciousness
Sexual Fantasies
For Further Reading

Sensory Deprivation Sensory Deprivation and Consciousness
Historical Background
The McGill Studies
Sensory Deprivation Research After McGill
Experimental Procedures
Restricted Environmental Stimulation Theory
Sensory Deprivation and Altered States of Consciousness
Neural Correlates of Sensory Deprivation
Clinical Potential of Sensory Deprivation
For Further Reading

Parapsychology Parapsychology and Consciousness
Historical Development
Extrasensory Perception
Remote Viewing
Factors Influencing Experimental Findings
Ganzfeld Controls
Individual Differences
Hypnotic Influences
Poltergeist Phenomena
Kirlian Photography
Random Event Generation
Paranormal Phenomena and "Anomolies" in Science
The Out-of-Body Experience
The Near-Death Experience
Psychic Healing
General Theories of Parapsychology
Contemporary Theories of Parapsychology
Neural Correlates of Paranormal Ability
General Problems
For Further Reading

Future Applications of Consciousness
For Further Reading



Benjamin Wallace
Leslie Fisher
Barbara Oswald