Teaching statistics is Dr. Rodriguez’s passion. However, he is frustrated with how statistics is being taught. Too frequently, authors follow formulaic presentations of content, without understanding the needs of the students buying their textbooks. Dr. Rodriguez’s presentation accounts for student fears about statistics and the mathematics required in statistics. For instance, Core Statistics: Practical Knowledge for the Health Sciences begins with a chapter focusing completely on the learning processes, devoid of equations and other intimidating content. Dr. Rodriguez presents strategies that promote excitement and competence, as well as motivation to achieve. However, Core Statistics: Practical Knowledge for the Health Sciences doesn’t shy away from the presentation of complicated material. Dr. Rodriguez is a perfectionist and he expects his readers to feel like he does, without all his personal quirks though. Thus, he presents material in a logical fashion, not scripted. He allows the concepts to emerge as they naturally do in the learning processes. Thus every new concept introduced follows empathetically from the prior, as if he is looking deeply into the reader’s mind, knowing exactly what the reader expects to follow and is there to hand the reader the appropriate material. Further, and perhaps more important, Dr. Rodriguez understands that students want technology for today’s learning environment, and at a lower price. Thus, he ensured the textbook would be virtual and inexpensive. Finally, and perhaps more important, Dr. Rodriguez is motivated to update the textbook continuously and to listen to instructors and students demanding more. This text book is liquid, as he likes to say, so it will adapt to the needs of his consumers.
Chapter 1 Requirements for Learning Statistics
Chapter 2 Variables
Chapter 3 Probability
Chapter 4 Distributions
Chapter 5 Testing Research Hypotheses
Chapter 6 Comparing Means from Two Independent Samples
Chapter 7 Comparing Means from Three or More Independent Samples
Chapter 8 N-Way ANOVA
Chapter 9 Covariance and Correlation
Chapter 10 Linear Regression Analysis
Chapter 11 Multiple Regression Analysis
Chapter 12 Cross-Tabulations
Chapter 13 Binary Logistic Regression
Chapter 14 Statistical Analysis with Proportions
Chapter 15 Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling
Chapter 16 Longitudinal Data Analysis
Chapter 17 Non-Parametric Statistics
Daniel Rodriguez is a professor of Public Health at La Salle University in Philadelphia. His areas of specialization are biostatistics, research methods, and epidemiology. Dr. Rodriguez teaches courses in all three of these areas as well as a grant writing seminar and the capstone course sequence for Masters level students. Dr. Rodriguez also consults with research professionals preparing and managing federal and foundation grants. He has been a biostatistician on numerous federally funded grants and has secured and completed grants of his own. Dr. Rodriguez has extensive training in statistics and research methods, with particular focus on structural equation modeling (SEM) and longitudinal data analysis. More detail about Dr. Rodriguez’s career can be found in his Curriculum Vitae.