Cottage Food Business

Author(s): Jorge Caughman

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2024

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ISBN 9798765794944

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Cottage Food Business is for students and budding entrepreneurs who are seriously intent in the study of cottage food operations; it provides an introduction, application and comprehensive study of the principles of in home niche food preparation and sales through steps taken by successful home enterprise professionals.

Budding entrepreneurs and students will be able to understand the cottage food operation (CFO) law and the low risk food products, production skills, and steps necessary to become a successful Culinary Home Business Professional.


Section One The Artisan

Chapter 1 Introduction to the Cottage Food Law
A. Cottage Food Law Regulations
B. The Two Classifications of CFOs
C. Limitations
D. Permit Requirements
E. Permit Safety Requirements

Chapter 2 Structuring of the CFO
A. Fast Follower
B. LLC versus Sole Proprietor
C. Fictitious Name (DBA)
D. Regulatory and Business Considerations

Chapter 3 Product Choice
A. Approved Product Categories
B. Product Trend
C. Consumer Needs
D. Product Niche

Chapter 4 Branding
A. Brand Name, Logo, and Slogan
B. Labeling
C. Packaging

Chapter 5 Pricing the CFO Product
A. Cost of Goods Sold
B. Gross Margins
C. Fixed Costs and Profit Margins
D. Recipe—Product Engineering
E. Recipe Yields
F. In-home Production

Chapter 6 Food Safety and Sanitation
A. Food Pathogens
B. Food Safety and Sanitation Requirements
C. Food Safety Training
D. Safe Kitchen Production

Section Two Cottage Food Operations

Chapter 7 Business Plans Part 1
A. Business Plans
B. Business Plan Steps, Overview, and Samples
C. Step 1: The Pitch
D. Step 2: Who Are You?
E. Step 3: What Is the Need?
F. Step 4: Who Is the Market?
G. Step 5: What Is the Product?
H. Step 6: What Is the Operating Plan

Chapter 8 Business Plans Part 2
A. Step 7: What Are You Doing about the Competition?
B. Step 8: Who Is in Your Team?
C. Step 9: What Are the Financial Projections?
D. Step 10: How does the Artisan Investor Makes Money?
E. Step 11: What Money Do You Need and How Will You Spend It?
F. Step 12: What Is the Timeline?

Chapter 9 Marketing
A. Demographics
B. Target Market
C. Four Ps

Chapter 10 Promotional Marketing
A. Sales Promotional Mix
B. Promotional Budget
C. Promotional Tracking

Chapter 11 Product Traceability
D. Traceability System
E. System Implementation
F. FDA Proposed Requirements

Chapter 12 The Next Step for Success
A. Incubator Kitchens
B. Co-Packing


Jorge Caughman

Chef Jorge Caughman has spent most of his life around food. Even as a young boy, his mother regularly assigned him to the chore of cooking dinner for their large family. Wanting to exercise his creative side, chef Jorge received his formal training at the Epicurean School of Culinary Arts where his innate talent for cooking was refined.

Further, Chef Jorge enjoys the business and marketing side of hospitality management, sustainability, cottage food operations, and culinary arts. He has been formally educated in these topics and holds a Master’s of Management from Cambridge College.

Chef Jorge’s love of food and the entrepreneurial business come together in one branded service: Chef Jorge Enterprises. Over the past 30 years, he has been able to generate full marketing and management campaigns with focused branding and targeting via cookbooks, restaurants, catering, product development, television appearances, radio/television advertisements, and online. Through this work, Chef Jorge successfully created both local and national audiences for his past restaurants, catering, food products, and services.

Now, his focus has turned toward guiding the next generation toward honing the craft of cookery. Chef Jorge is thrilled to offer his services as a professor, instructor, and workshop leader in the area of sustainable culinary arts, cottage food operations, and hospitality management at Monterey Peninsula College.

Cottage Food Business is for students and budding entrepreneurs who are seriously intent in the study of cottage food operations; it provides an introduction, application and comprehensive study of the principles of in home niche food preparation and sales through steps taken by successful home enterprise professionals.

Budding entrepreneurs and students will be able to understand the cottage food operation (CFO) law and the low risk food products, production skills, and steps necessary to become a successful Culinary Home Business Professional.


Section One The Artisan

Chapter 1 Introduction to the Cottage Food Law
A. Cottage Food Law Regulations
B. The Two Classifications of CFOs
C. Limitations
D. Permit Requirements
E. Permit Safety Requirements

Chapter 2 Structuring of the CFO
A. Fast Follower
B. LLC versus Sole Proprietor
C. Fictitious Name (DBA)
D. Regulatory and Business Considerations

Chapter 3 Product Choice
A. Approved Product Categories
B. Product Trend
C. Consumer Needs
D. Product Niche

Chapter 4 Branding
A. Brand Name, Logo, and Slogan
B. Labeling
C. Packaging

Chapter 5 Pricing the CFO Product
A. Cost of Goods Sold
B. Gross Margins
C. Fixed Costs and Profit Margins
D. Recipe—Product Engineering
E. Recipe Yields
F. In-home Production

Chapter 6 Food Safety and Sanitation
A. Food Pathogens
B. Food Safety and Sanitation Requirements
C. Food Safety Training
D. Safe Kitchen Production

Section Two Cottage Food Operations

Chapter 7 Business Plans Part 1
A. Business Plans
B. Business Plan Steps, Overview, and Samples
C. Step 1: The Pitch
D. Step 2: Who Are You?
E. Step 3: What Is the Need?
F. Step 4: Who Is the Market?
G. Step 5: What Is the Product?
H. Step 6: What Is the Operating Plan

Chapter 8 Business Plans Part 2
A. Step 7: What Are You Doing about the Competition?
B. Step 8: Who Is in Your Team?
C. Step 9: What Are the Financial Projections?
D. Step 10: How does the Artisan Investor Makes Money?
E. Step 11: What Money Do You Need and How Will You Spend It?
F. Step 12: What Is the Timeline?

Chapter 9 Marketing
A. Demographics
B. Target Market
C. Four Ps

Chapter 10 Promotional Marketing
A. Sales Promotional Mix
B. Promotional Budget
C. Promotional Tracking

Chapter 11 Product Traceability
D. Traceability System
E. System Implementation
F. FDA Proposed Requirements

Chapter 12 The Next Step for Success
A. Incubator Kitchens
B. Co-Packing


Jorge Caughman

Chef Jorge Caughman has spent most of his life around food. Even as a young boy, his mother regularly assigned him to the chore of cooking dinner for their large family. Wanting to exercise his creative side, chef Jorge received his formal training at the Epicurean School of Culinary Arts where his innate talent for cooking was refined.

Further, Chef Jorge enjoys the business and marketing side of hospitality management, sustainability, cottage food operations, and culinary arts. He has been formally educated in these topics and holds a Master’s of Management from Cambridge College.

Chef Jorge’s love of food and the entrepreneurial business come together in one branded service: Chef Jorge Enterprises. Over the past 30 years, he has been able to generate full marketing and management campaigns with focused branding and targeting via cookbooks, restaurants, catering, product development, television appearances, radio/television advertisements, and online. Through this work, Chef Jorge successfully created both local and national audiences for his past restaurants, catering, food products, and services.

Now, his focus has turned toward guiding the next generation toward honing the craft of cookery. Chef Jorge is thrilled to offer his services as a professor, instructor, and workshop leader in the area of sustainable culinary arts, cottage food operations, and hospitality management at Monterey Peninsula College.