Creation in Space: A Course in the Fundamentals of Architecture Volume 1: Architectonics

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Creation in Space: Fundamentals of Architecture, Volumes 1 and 2, by Jonathan Friedman, provide all basic projects, guided instruction, commentaries, and selected readings for a full year course in the fundamentals of architecture.  It is designed to cover not only the normal technical requirements - drawing skills and techniques such as planimetrics, axonometrics and perspective projection, freehand drawing, and abrication skills for model making - but also fundamental design issues such as figure-ground ambiguity, proportion, scale, light and shade, and circulation.

The two volumes of Creation in Space together provide a basic introduction to understanding architecture.  The works assume no previous knowledge of the subject, only that all of us were architects as young children playing with blocks.

 Preface, ix
Foreword by Robert Slutzky, xii
Introduction: Foundation, 1

Study 1 UNITYThinking: The Parthenon, 23
Projecting: Parti, geometry and proportion, 25
Doing: Sticks and stones; torn paper, 27
Reflecting: On the Plastic, 29

Study 2 DIALOGPreview: Ise Shrine, dialog of place and time, 35

2A Dialog "rough"Thinking: Leaf Retreat, 37
Projecting: Making plans, 38
Doing: Sticks and stones; square field, 41
Reflecting: Rose Windows: geometrical schemes, 43

2B Dialog "dressed"Thinking: Facade of Notre Dame, 49
Projecting: Axonometric, Diamond Thesis, 51
Doing: Rods and cubes; squares in and on squares, 53
Reflecting: Leaf Retreat and Wall House, a debate, 55

Study 3 VOLUMEThinking: Rock Cut Church of Lalibala, 61
Projecting: Figure-ground, solid-void, shade and
 shadows, 63
Doing: Solid-void ambiguity; figure-ground tiles, 65
Reflecting: The Representation of Space, 67

Study 4 TRANSFORMATIONThinking: Falling Water, 75
Projecting: The evolution of form, 77
Doing: Explosion: extension in space; hierarchy, 79
Reflecting: The Destruction of the Box, Fractals, 81

Study 5 EXPRESSIONThinking: Ronchamp, 87
Projecting: Perspective, 89
Doing: Euclidean forms; graphic character, 91
Reflecting: The Poetics of Music, 93

Study 6 TIMEPIECEThinking: Stonehenge, 103
Projecting: Sun angles and the motion of the earth, 107
Doing: A place that measures time; layering, 109
Reflecting: Transparency: Literal and Phenomenal, 113

Study 7 FREE EXERCISEThinking: The studio as possibility, 123
Projecting: What comes next?, 125
Doing: Temple, labyrinth, tower, wall, 129
Reflecting: Nothing is transmissible but thought, 134

APPENDIXThe Kit of Parts, 142
Tools and Equipment, 144
Documentation, 146
Visual Glossary, 148

Bibliography, 181
Credits, 184
Index, 188

Jonathan B Friedman


Creation in Space: Fundamentals of Architecture, Volumes 1 and 2, by Jonathan Friedman, provide all basic projects, guided instruction, commentaries, and selected readings for a full year course in the fundamentals of architecture.  It is designed to cover not only the normal technical requirements - drawing skills and techniques such as planimetrics, axonometrics and perspective projection, freehand drawing, and abrication skills for model making - but also fundamental design issues such as figure-ground ambiguity, proportion, scale, light and shade, and circulation.

The two volumes of Creation in Space together provide a basic introduction to understanding architecture.  The works assume no previous knowledge of the subject, only that all of us were architects as young children playing with blocks.

 Preface, ix
Foreword by Robert Slutzky, xii
Introduction: Foundation, 1

Study 1 UNITYThinking: The Parthenon, 23
Projecting: Parti, geometry and proportion, 25
Doing: Sticks and stones; torn paper, 27
Reflecting: On the Plastic, 29

Study 2 DIALOGPreview: Ise Shrine, dialog of place and time, 35

2A Dialog "rough"Thinking: Leaf Retreat, 37
Projecting: Making plans, 38
Doing: Sticks and stones; square field, 41
Reflecting: Rose Windows: geometrical schemes, 43

2B Dialog "dressed"Thinking: Facade of Notre Dame, 49
Projecting: Axonometric, Diamond Thesis, 51
Doing: Rods and cubes; squares in and on squares, 53
Reflecting: Leaf Retreat and Wall House, a debate, 55

Study 3 VOLUMEThinking: Rock Cut Church of Lalibala, 61
Projecting: Figure-ground, solid-void, shade and
 shadows, 63
Doing: Solid-void ambiguity; figure-ground tiles, 65
Reflecting: The Representation of Space, 67

Study 4 TRANSFORMATIONThinking: Falling Water, 75
Projecting: The evolution of form, 77
Doing: Explosion: extension in space; hierarchy, 79
Reflecting: The Destruction of the Box, Fractals, 81

Study 5 EXPRESSIONThinking: Ronchamp, 87
Projecting: Perspective, 89
Doing: Euclidean forms; graphic character, 91
Reflecting: The Poetics of Music, 93

Study 6 TIMEPIECEThinking: Stonehenge, 103
Projecting: Sun angles and the motion of the earth, 107
Doing: A place that measures time; layering, 109
Reflecting: Transparency: Literal and Phenomenal, 113

Study 7 FREE EXERCISEThinking: The studio as possibility, 123
Projecting: What comes next?, 125
Doing: Temple, labyrinth, tower, wall, 129
Reflecting: Nothing is transmissible but thought, 134

APPENDIXThe Kit of Parts, 142
Tools and Equipment, 144
Documentation, 146
Visual Glossary, 148

Bibliography, 181
Credits, 184
Index, 188

Jonathan B Friedman