Criteria 2019-2020: Discernment and Discourse Reader and Guide
Author(s): Southern Methodist University
Edition: 8
Copyright: 2019
Pages: 276
Edition: 4
Copyright: 2015
Pages: 240
Edition: 8
Copyright: 2019
Pages: 276
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Criteria: Discernment and Discourse Reader and Guide is designed to help faculty and students work together to get the most out of any critical thinking and rhetoric class, this book is a storehouse of useful materials: student essays produced in response to a wide range of assignments and accompanied by questions for writing or discussion, tools to aid in the construction and evaluation of writing inside and outside the classroom, and much more.
Letter from the Editors
Analyzing and Synthesizing, Persuasion and Argument
Death, Personhood, and Experimentation: What Does It Mean to Be Human?
Nathan Hites
The Ethics of Somatic Cell Gene Therapy
Jordan Hardin
The End of the Road—Or Is It? Research on Euthanasia
Sophie Vos
Making Circumstance a Victim of You
Reed Abbajay
A Boardinghouse Roof for a Glass Ceiling: Evaluating Joyce’s Mrs Mooney
Steven Manning
The Destiny of Dirt
Sophia Salinas
Where Does Beauty Lie?
Victoria Peters
The Fruit of Their Labors for the Fruit of Their Loins
Morgan Caldwell
The Ring of Engagement
Rasin Faruk
The Stark Resemblance between a Four-Hundred-Year-Old Play and the Now
Isabel Muino
How to Become Rich
Nicole Parmelee
Identity as a Political Machine: Expressing Humanity in Times of Strife
Marina Leventis
A Beginner’s Guide to Feminism
Samantha Hites
Twentieth Century Women: By Men, for Men
Shara Jeyarajah
Read All about It! Chapter Three of A Room of One’s Own as Required Reading for Men
Maria Katsulos
The Importance of Art and Elisabeth Demand in Autumn
Sydney Maddox
The Damaging Effects of Materialism
Mary-Wesley Maddox
Now Let’s Get Information: An Examination of the Socio-Political Parallels between Gentleman’s Agreement and the Time’s Up
Zoe Kerr
The Last Refuge of the Soldier
John Berry
Another Dead Fool: The Value of Christopher’s Journey in Into the Wild
Christopher Wood
Finding the Value of Life: Sean Penn’s Into the Wild
Aja Tom
Learning and Reflecting: Education and the College Experience
Blazing New Trails: Undertaking Life as a Minority Student
Briana Rollins
Something Permanent
Lauren Alexander
A Helping Hand
Kevin Quinn
The Value of Ownership
Amanda Oh
A Liberal Education: Choices Are the Foundation of Freedom
Tina Hirt
Claiming My Degree
Megan Meinecke
A Community in Education
Ryan Mendez
Undeveloped Humanity
Sophia Paolo
In-Class Timed Writing
Sarah McCafferty
In-Class Timed Writing
Sunjoli Aggarwal
In-Class Timed Writing
Bailey Sprague
Structural Parallels and Character Formation in “Tiny, Smiling Daddy”
Anna Wright
Spotlight on Daddy
Mary Meehan
Works Cited
How to Make Progress in GO
Yinzhe (Mark) Qian
Natural Beauty
Steven Zhang
Mother Mary and Virgin Mary
Yuxuan Zhou
Why People Love Watching Soccer at Stadiums
Phuoc Dinh Le
The Effects of Chinese Education on International Chinese
Students in the US
Linda Chen
Writing at the University: Insight and Advice from a Professor
Who Cares
Vanessa Hopper
Some Chronic Essay Issues
Joan Arbery
What Is a Thesis?
Joan Arbery
A Good BET: Forming the Thesis
LeeAnn Derdeyn
Ten Steps to Building the Brightest Essay
Vanessa Hopper
Newton’s Four Laws on Writing
Pauline T Newton
Aristotle’s Proofs of Rhetoric
Vanessa Hopper
Note-Taking Techniques
Lori Ann Stephens
Writing with Your Own Voice
Joan Arbery
The Art of Embedding Quotations
Lori Ann Stephens
Introductory Paragraph Evaluation Exercise
Vanessa Hopper
Says/Does Exercise
Marta Krogh
Loving Lit: A Conversational Response to the Question, “Why do I have to read this book?”
Vanessa Hopper
Universal Peer Draft Evaluation Guidelines
Vanessa Hopper
Tips for Writing a Timed Essay
Pauline T Newton
Planning Rubric: How to Create an Excellent Oral Presentation
Vanessa Hopper
Advice for New Discernment and Discourse Students
Discernment and Discourse: Course Descriptions
Class Attendance
Office Conferences with Your Professor: What to Expect and
How to Prepare
The Writing Center
The Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center
How the Library Can Help You with DISC
Researching Like a College Student
Computers on Campus
On Grading
D&D Rubric for Evaluating and Grading
Avoiding Bias
On Plagiarism
Statement on Academic Honesty
The Revising and Editing Process
Revision Worksheet
Editing Worksheet
Basics: Some Conventions of Correct Writing
Discernment and Discourse Department-Wide Grading Scale
MLA Format Sample Page
Criteria: Discernment and Discourse Reader and Guide is designed to help faculty and students work together to get the most out of any critical thinking and rhetoric class, this book is a storehouse of useful materials: student essays produced in response to a wide range of assignments and accompanied by questions for writing or discussion, tools to aid in the construction and evaluation of writing inside and outside the classroom, and much more.
Letter from the Editors
Analyzing and Synthesizing, Persuasion and Argument
Death, Personhood, and Experimentation: What Does It Mean to Be Human?
Nathan Hites
The Ethics of Somatic Cell Gene Therapy
Jordan Hardin
The End of the Road—Or Is It? Research on Euthanasia
Sophie Vos
Making Circumstance a Victim of You
Reed Abbajay
A Boardinghouse Roof for a Glass Ceiling: Evaluating Joyce’s Mrs Mooney
Steven Manning
The Destiny of Dirt
Sophia Salinas
Where Does Beauty Lie?
Victoria Peters
The Fruit of Their Labors for the Fruit of Their Loins
Morgan Caldwell
The Ring of Engagement
Rasin Faruk
The Stark Resemblance between a Four-Hundred-Year-Old Play and the Now
Isabel Muino
How to Become Rich
Nicole Parmelee
Identity as a Political Machine: Expressing Humanity in Times of Strife
Marina Leventis
A Beginner’s Guide to Feminism
Samantha Hites
Twentieth Century Women: By Men, for Men
Shara Jeyarajah
Read All about It! Chapter Three of A Room of One’s Own as Required Reading for Men
Maria Katsulos
The Importance of Art and Elisabeth Demand in Autumn
Sydney Maddox
The Damaging Effects of Materialism
Mary-Wesley Maddox
Now Let’s Get Information: An Examination of the Socio-Political Parallels between Gentleman’s Agreement and the Time’s Up
Zoe Kerr
The Last Refuge of the Soldier
John Berry
Another Dead Fool: The Value of Christopher’s Journey in Into the Wild
Christopher Wood
Finding the Value of Life: Sean Penn’s Into the Wild
Aja Tom
Learning and Reflecting: Education and the College Experience
Blazing New Trails: Undertaking Life as a Minority Student
Briana Rollins
Something Permanent
Lauren Alexander
A Helping Hand
Kevin Quinn
The Value of Ownership
Amanda Oh
A Liberal Education: Choices Are the Foundation of Freedom
Tina Hirt
Claiming My Degree
Megan Meinecke
A Community in Education
Ryan Mendez
Undeveloped Humanity
Sophia Paolo
In-Class Timed Writing
Sarah McCafferty
In-Class Timed Writing
Sunjoli Aggarwal
In-Class Timed Writing
Bailey Sprague
Structural Parallels and Character Formation in “Tiny, Smiling Daddy”
Anna Wright
Spotlight on Daddy
Mary Meehan
Works Cited
How to Make Progress in GO
Yinzhe (Mark) Qian
Natural Beauty
Steven Zhang
Mother Mary and Virgin Mary
Yuxuan Zhou
Why People Love Watching Soccer at Stadiums
Phuoc Dinh Le
The Effects of Chinese Education on International Chinese
Students in the US
Linda Chen
Writing at the University: Insight and Advice from a Professor
Who Cares
Vanessa Hopper
Some Chronic Essay Issues
Joan Arbery
What Is a Thesis?
Joan Arbery
A Good BET: Forming the Thesis
LeeAnn Derdeyn
Ten Steps to Building the Brightest Essay
Vanessa Hopper
Newton’s Four Laws on Writing
Pauline T Newton
Aristotle’s Proofs of Rhetoric
Vanessa Hopper
Note-Taking Techniques
Lori Ann Stephens
Writing with Your Own Voice
Joan Arbery
The Art of Embedding Quotations
Lori Ann Stephens
Introductory Paragraph Evaluation Exercise
Vanessa Hopper
Says/Does Exercise
Marta Krogh
Loving Lit: A Conversational Response to the Question, “Why do I have to read this book?”
Vanessa Hopper
Universal Peer Draft Evaluation Guidelines
Vanessa Hopper
Tips for Writing a Timed Essay
Pauline T Newton
Planning Rubric: How to Create an Excellent Oral Presentation
Vanessa Hopper
Advice for New Discernment and Discourse Students
Discernment and Discourse: Course Descriptions
Class Attendance
Office Conferences with Your Professor: What to Expect and
How to Prepare
The Writing Center
The Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center
How the Library Can Help You with DISC
Researching Like a College Student
Computers on Campus
On Grading
D&D Rubric for Evaluating and Grading
Avoiding Bias
On Plagiarism
Statement on Academic Honesty
The Revising and Editing Process
Revision Worksheet
Editing Worksheet
Basics: Some Conventions of Correct Writing
Discernment and Discourse Department-Wide Grading Scale
MLA Format Sample Page