Chapter One: Logos and Critical Thinking
1-1 Thinking Critically
1-2 What is Critical Thinking?
1-3 Why Critical Thinking Needs to be Studied
1-4 Benefits and Dangers of Critical Thinking
1-5 Arguments and Natural Language
1-6 The Building Blocks of Arguments: Words, Sentences, and Propositions
1-7 Definitions
Chapter Two: Propositional Logic
2-1 Distinguishing Between Kinds of Propositions
2-2 Conjunctions
2-3 Disjunctions
2-4 Making Negation
2-5 Careful Punctuation
2-6 Conditionals
2-7 Bi-conditionals
Chapter Three: Argument Reconstruction and Analysis
3-1 Identifying Premises and Conclusions
3-2 Reconstructing Arguments
3-3 Arrow Diagrams
3-4 Missing Premises
Chapter Four: Inductive Arguments
4-1 Induction and Deduction
4-2 Enumerative Induction
4-3 Polls
4-4 Analogies
4-5 Causal Arguments
Chapter Five: Deductive Arguments
5-1 Validity and Invalidity, Soundness and Unsoundness
5-2 Some Valid Argument Forms: Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, Hypothetical Syllogism, and Disjunctive Syllogism
5-3 Some Invalid Argument Forms: Affirming the Consequent, Denying the Antecedent, and Affirming The Disjunct
5-4 Proving Invalidity Through Counter-Example
5-5 Natural Language Argument Analysis and Disagreement
Chapter Six: Natural Language Fallacies
6-1 Fallacies of Natural Language
6-2 Fallacies of Relevance
6-3 Fallacies of Structure
Chapter Seven: Categorical Propositions
7-1 Standard Form Categorical Propositions
7-2 Translating Sentences into Standard and Categorical Form
7-3 The Square of Opposition
7-4 Immediate Inference
7-5 Distribution
Chapter Eight: Categorical Syllogisms
8-1 Major, Minor, and Middle Terms
8-2 Syllogistic Moods and Figures
8-3 The Venn Diagram Method
8-4 Diagraming Categorical Syllogisms
8-5 The Rules of Syllogistic Validity
8-6 Enthymemes
Chapter Nine: Truth Tables for Propositions, Consistency, and Equivalency
9-1 Truth Tables for the Logical Connectives
9-2 A Note on Parentheses and Truth Tables for Complex Propositions
9-3 Consistency
9-4 Equivalence
9-5 Some Useful Equivalencies
Chapter Ten: Truth Table Analysis of Argument Validity and Invalidity
10-1 Truth Table Test for Truth-Functional Validity
10-2 Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, and Hypothetical Syllogisms
10-3 Disjunctive Syllogismss
10-4 Some Tricks of the Trade
Chapter Eleven: Natural Deduction, the Rules of Inference, and the Rules of Replacement
11-1 The Rules of Inference
11-2 Natural Deduction in Action
11-3 The Rules of Replacement
11-4 The Rules of Replacement Identified
11-5 The Rules of Replacement in Action
Appendix A
The Rules of Inference
Appendix B
The Rules of Replacement