Cross Cultural Perspectives

Author(s): David Mislan

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2023

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ISBN 9798385119646

Details EBOOK 180 days

The internet and a global economy has brought the world into our homes, but how much do you really know about other cultures and political systems? 

In CROSS-CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES you will look at the diverse cultural and political issues facing Eastern and Western cultures today. Clear, concise language is used to explain the major developments that helped shape the East and the West, while Voices and Case Study features help illustrate key concepts by giving real-world examples.


Chapter 1  Exploring Culture and Politics

Chapter 2  Culture and Politics in the Past and Present

Chapter 3  Culture and Politics in the Western World

Chapter 4  Culture and Politics in the Non-Western World

Chapter 5  Culture and Politics in a Global Perspective


Furher Reading


David Mislan

The internet and a global economy has brought the world into our homes, but how much do you really know about other cultures and political systems? 

In CROSS-CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES you will look at the diverse cultural and political issues facing Eastern and Western cultures today. Clear, concise language is used to explain the major developments that helped shape the East and the West, while Voices and Case Study features help illustrate key concepts by giving real-world examples.


Chapter 1  Exploring Culture and Politics

Chapter 2  Culture and Politics in the Past and Present

Chapter 3  Culture and Politics in the Western World

Chapter 4  Culture and Politics in the Non-Western World

Chapter 5  Culture and Politics in a Global Perspective


Furher Reading


David Mislan