Customized Version of Social Psychology by Traci Y. Craig designed specifically for Candan Duran Aydintug at University of Colorado at Denver, Preliminary Edition

Edition: 0

Copyright: 2021

Pages: 223

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ISBN 9781792462047

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  1. An Introduction and History of Social Psychology
  2. Research Methods
  3. Social Influence
  4. Attitudes and Persuasion
  5. Social Identity
  6. Intergroup Relations
  7. Group Dynamics
  8. Interpersonal Relationships
  9. Applying Social Psychology
Ayse Curan Duran-Aydintung

  1. An Introduction and History of Social Psychology
  2. Research Methods
  3. Social Influence
  4. Attitudes and Persuasion
  5. Social Identity
  6. Intergroup Relations
  7. Group Dynamics
  8. Interpersonal Relationships
  9. Applying Social Psychology

Ayse Curan Duran-Aydintung