A Customized Version of Thriving in College and Beyond: Research Based Strategies for Academic Success and Personal Development Designed Specifically for Ohio University is designed to help you make a smooth transition to college as well as equip you with strategies for success that you can use throughout college and beyond. Its aim is to promote the academic excellence and personal development of all students—whether you’re a student who is (a) transitioning to college directly from high school or from a full-time or part-time job, (b) living on or off campus, or (c) attending college on a full-time or part-time basis. Whatever your previous educational record may have been, college is a new ball game played on a different field with different rules and expectations. If you haven’t been a particularly successful student in the past, this book will help you become a successful student in the future. If you have been a successful student in high school, this book will make you an even stronger student in college.
Chapter 1 Touching All the Bases
Chapter 2 Liberal Arts and General Education
Chapter 3 Goal Setting and Motivation
Chapter 4 Time Management
Chapter 5 Deep Learning
Chapter 6 Test-Taking Skills and Strategies
Chapter 7 Three Key Academic Success and Lifelong Learning Skills
Chapter 8 Higher-Level Thinking
Chapter 9 Social and Emotional Intelligence
Chapter 10 Diversity
Chapter 11 Educational Planning and Academic Decision- Making
Chapter 12 Career Exploration, Preparation, and Development
Chapter 13 Financial Literacy
Chapter 14 Health and Wellness