Destination Success is an academic recovery textbook written for the student that is on academic probation or perhaps has been readmitted after a dismissal or poor academic performance. Either way, they have some work to do to understand how they got to their current situation and to develop the skills they need to become academically successful. Beginning with guiding students to critically self-reflect on the choices and circumstances that led them to their current situation, Destination Success then pushes students to assess their locus of control and how they will maintain their motivation and set goals while creating a better path forward.
Chapters focus on:
- time management.
- reading and critical thinking.
- learning strategies.
- test taking skills.
- The text is rounded out with two chapters on major and career decision-making and health and wellness.
Destination Success features:
- perforated pages with numerous activities and assessments to check for understanding.
- checkpoints for active reflection while reading.
- a quiz at the end of each chapter for students to self-assess their understanding of key concepts.
Destination: Success textbook outline OR
Checking the Engine: A Reality Check Shannon Farrelly
Academic Standards
Academic Standing
Academic Targets
Goal setting
Creating a Support Network
Critical Self-Reflection
Checking Your Mirrors: Examining Your Past and Creating Your Future Christy Landis and Lindy Coleman
Locus of Control
Positive Thinking/Attitude/Hope
Time Management: Your Road Trip Planner Melissa Hortman
Time management
Building a calendar
Planning and backdating
Reading the Map to Guide Yourself Melissa Thomas
Reading and Critical Thinking
Reading rate
Active versus passive reading strategies
Studying and Note Taking: The Road Scholar Melissa Hortman
Study Habits
Study Cycle
Notetaking and memory
Study Strategies
Learning Modalities
Test Taking: Plan Your Route, Routines. and Rewards Genevieve Hay
Personal study environment
Study schedule
Study materials
Study strategies for specific test items (i.e. multiple choice, completion, true-false and essay items)
Test anxiety strategies
Critical exam review
Discovering Your Path: Major & Career Decision-Making Meredith Gerber
Career Planning
Campus Engagement & Involvement
Professional Development/Internship Strategies
Destination: Healthy Success Michelle Futrell
Health and Wellness
Emotional Intelligence
Professor POV
Email etiquette
Financial aid/awareness
Managing it All
Getting Organized
Goal Setting
Annotating a Textbook
Grit and Perseverance
Who’s along for the Ride
Know Yourself
Wrong Major
Get Involved
Balance and Moderation