Discovering Public Health

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2023

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ISBN 9798765722336

Details KHPContent 180 days

Mobile-friendly and social media savvy, Discovering Public Health is designed with the modern-day college student in mind.  The turn-key course package employs a combination of student-centered learning and inquiry-based instruction techniques, public health problem-based learning scenarios, and field experience. The workbook includes lectures, online discussions, and team and individual assignments utilizing YouTube videos, Ted Talks virtual speakers, podcasts, case studies, selected published reports, and health-related Internet sites where applicable.

Duane J. Wallace’s Discovering Public Health:

  • is a comprehensive, introductory digital workbook designed to enhance students’ knowledge base of the core principles and disciplines of public health.
  • explores specific areas in the field, including public health careers and workforce development, what it means to be healthy, the meaning and importance of public health, social determinants of health, disease prevention and health promotion, health equity and social justice, among others.
  • enhances students’ public health awareness by demonstrating attitudes and skills that are important for public health practice.
  • describes the role of law and government in promoting and protecting the health of the public and identifying specific functions and roles of governmental public health agencies in assuring population health.
  • identifies the ways that public health affects literature and the arts, current events, and everyone’s daily life.

Module 1 – Historical Development of Public Health

Module 2 – Public Health 101

Module 3 – Social Determinants of Health

Module 4 – Public Health Interventions and Achievements

Module 5 – Health Policy and Health Services Administration

Midterm Exam

Module 6 – Social and Behavioral Sciences

Module 7 – Health Professionals and the Workforce

Module 8 – Emerging Issues in Health Equity

Final Exam

Duane J Wallace II

Mobile-friendly and social media savvy, Discovering Public Health is designed with the modern-day college student in mind.  The turn-key course package employs a combination of student-centered learning and inquiry-based instruction techniques, public health problem-based learning scenarios, and field experience. The workbook includes lectures, online discussions, and team and individual assignments utilizing YouTube videos, Ted Talks virtual speakers, podcasts, case studies, selected published reports, and health-related Internet sites where applicable.

Duane J. Wallace’s Discovering Public Health:

  • is a comprehensive, introductory digital workbook designed to enhance students’ knowledge base of the core principles and disciplines of public health.
  • explores specific areas in the field, including public health careers and workforce development, what it means to be healthy, the meaning and importance of public health, social determinants of health, disease prevention and health promotion, health equity and social justice, among others.
  • enhances students’ public health awareness by demonstrating attitudes and skills that are important for public health practice.
  • describes the role of law and government in promoting and protecting the health of the public and identifying specific functions and roles of governmental public health agencies in assuring population health.
  • identifies the ways that public health affects literature and the arts, current events, and everyone’s daily life.

Module 1 – Historical Development of Public Health

Module 2 – Public Health 101

Module 3 – Social Determinants of Health

Module 4 – Public Health Interventions and Achievements

Module 5 – Health Policy and Health Services Administration

Midterm Exam

Module 6 – Social and Behavioral Sciences

Module 7 – Health Professionals and the Workforce

Module 8 – Emerging Issues in Health Equity

Final Exam

Duane J Wallace II