Doing Sociology: A Basic Text provides a learning resource that
will meet the needs of both typical students and potential sociology majors. It
directly responds to increasing critical needs among faculty and students in
many colleges and universities throughout the United States. This text focuses on 14 core essentials of sociology as a discipline, with
each topic treated more comprehensively and with greater depth of coverage than
most traditional texts.
Doing Sociology features:
- Pre- and Post-test Fluency Assessment Tool
- Interactive chapter study guides
- Chapter introductions and summaries
- Suggested readings to expand knowledge and
Doing Sociology is accompanied by Achieving Sociological Fluency:
An Interactive Guide and Workbook to engage students in the subject
matter of sociology through various learning strategies.
PART ONE The Sociological Imagination
Chapter 1: The Sociological Imagination
Chapter 2: Sociology: Then and Now
Chapter 3: How Sociologists Do Research
Chapter 4: Culture: Our Way of Life
PART TWO Essential Elements of Social
Chapter 5: Socialization: The Process of Becoming Human
Chapter 6: Social Organization
Chapter 7: Groups in Society
PART THREE Organizations, Rank, and
Chapter 8: Formal Organizations and Bureaucracy
Chapter 9: Social Stratification
Chapter 10: Racial and Ethnic Relations
PART FOUR Issues, Institutions, and
Chapter 11: Deviance and Social Control
Chapter 12: Population and Human Ecology
Chapter 13: The Family: Most Basic of Institutions