Energy & Environment: The Grand Challenges of the 21st Century

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2022

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ISBN 9781792482342

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The material in Energy & Environment: The Grand Challenges of the 21st Century is often interdisciplinary, and it focuses heavily on pertinent scientific and economic principles, but the level of technical detail is such that the material should be understandable to people who do not have STEM backgrounds. We also delve heavily into the history of energy and its use by humans. Students should always bear in mind that simple answers rarely exist when it comes to energy and environment, so we encourage skepticism and critical thinking.


After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the implications that the laws of thermodynamics have on ecological and human systems.
  • Identify main energy sources used by humans and their recent and long-term history of utilization.
  • Understand the relationship between energy use and the environment especially climate.
  • Understand the relationship between economic growth and energy use.
  • Develop an appreciation for the complexity of energy systems and their life-cycle impacts.

ENVS 4261 Online Syllabus


Chapter 1 The Science of Energy

Chapter 2 Principles of Energy Economics

Chapter 3 Fossil Fuels and the Environment

Chapter 4 The Origins of Electricity

Chapter 5 The War of the Currents and Modern Electric Systems

Chapter 6 Petroleum: Conventional, Unconventional, and Offshore Oil and Gas Resources

Chapter 7 Crude Oil and Natural Gas Refining and Exports

Chapter 8 Nuclear Power

Chapter 9 Renewables

Christopher F. D'Elia
David E. Dismukes
Brian Snyder

The material in Energy & Environment: The Grand Challenges of the 21st Century is often interdisciplinary, and it focuses heavily on pertinent scientific and economic principles, but the level of technical detail is such that the material should be understandable to people who do not have STEM backgrounds. We also delve heavily into the history of energy and its use by humans. Students should always bear in mind that simple answers rarely exist when it comes to energy and environment, so we encourage skepticism and critical thinking.


After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the implications that the laws of thermodynamics have on ecological and human systems.
  • Identify main energy sources used by humans and their recent and long-term history of utilization.
  • Understand the relationship between energy use and the environment especially climate.
  • Understand the relationship between economic growth and energy use.
  • Develop an appreciation for the complexity of energy systems and their life-cycle impacts.

ENVS 4261 Online Syllabus


Chapter 1 The Science of Energy

Chapter 2 Principles of Energy Economics

Chapter 3 Fossil Fuels and the Environment

Chapter 4 The Origins of Electricity

Chapter 5 The War of the Currents and Modern Electric Systems

Chapter 6 Petroleum: Conventional, Unconventional, and Offshore Oil and Gas Resources

Chapter 7 Crude Oil and Natural Gas Refining and Exports

Chapter 8 Nuclear Power

Chapter 9 Renewables

Christopher F. D'Elia
David E. Dismukes
Brian Snyder