Health campaign pedagogy can serve students and their communities as communication practice and advocacy. This chapter highlights the case of the Motorcycle Safety at Purdue (MS@P) campaign to build on and extend communication pedagogy as communication praxis (Mattson, Haas, & Kosmoski, 2013; Barge & Shockley-Zalabak, 2008; Morreale & Pearson, 2008; Query, Wright, Bylund, & Mattson, 2007) by forwarding a health campaign pedagogy model for engaging students in community advocacy. Although the model is based on the social marketing framework (Kotler & Lee, 2008), the Message Development Tool (Mattson & Basu, 2010a, 2010b), and a unique campaign exemplar, the phases of the model are adaptable to other health issues, communities, and health communication curricula. We begin by introducing the Motorcycle Safety at Purdue (MS@P; ItInvolvesYou.com) campaign case study. Then, we provide an overview of the theoretically grounded framework that guides the campaign. Finally, we argue for extending the campaign framework to promote a health campaign pedagogy model that engages students in communication practice and community advocacy.