English Express New York: A Cultural Reading & Writing Text for English Language Learners

Author(s): EJ Sepp , Mary Sepp

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2014

Pages: 122

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ISBN 9781465253354

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

As with most educational texts, English Express was designed to fill a void in classroom materials. For many ESL students, developing cultural literacy is as much a need as developing their language skills. While there are many ESL books that include readings on American culture, these tend to be on more broad-based socio-historical topics of Americana. It can, of course, be useful for English language learners to develop an awareness of various places and important events in American history, but knowledge of the local culture(s) is necessary for them to thrive in that environment. Additionally, as a multicultural city, New York provides a context for students to connect the English language to ideas and experiences that are comfortable and familiar.

CHAPTER 1 The East Village
CHAPTER 2 The Estonian House
CHAPTER 3 Bright on Beach
CHAPTER 4 Washington Heights
CHAPTER 5 Little Italy in the Bronx
CHAPTER 6 Staten Island
CHAPTER 7 Chinatown
CHAPTER 8 Williamsburg
CHAPTER 9 Flushing
CHAPTER 10 Pelham Parkway
APPENDIX Vocabulary

EJ Sepp
Mary Sepp

As with most educational texts, English Express was designed to fill a void in classroom materials. For many ESL students, developing cultural literacy is as much a need as developing their language skills. While there are many ESL books that include readings on American culture, these tend to be on more broad-based socio-historical topics of Americana. It can, of course, be useful for English language learners to develop an awareness of various places and important events in American history, but knowledge of the local culture(s) is necessary for them to thrive in that environment. Additionally, as a multicultural city, New York provides a context for students to connect the English language to ideas and experiences that are comfortable and familiar.

CHAPTER 1 The East Village
CHAPTER 2 The Estonian House
CHAPTER 3 Bright on Beach
CHAPTER 4 Washington Heights
CHAPTER 5 Little Italy in the Bronx
CHAPTER 6 Staten Island
CHAPTER 7 Chinatown
CHAPTER 8 Williamsburg
CHAPTER 9 Flushing
CHAPTER 10 Pelham Parkway
APPENDIX Vocabulary

EJ Sepp
Mary Sepp