Essential Linear Algebra

Author(s): John Lattanzio

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2025

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ISBN 9798385142446

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Essential Linear Algebra by Lattanzio introduces linear algebra in meticulous fashion. The rudimentary, yet commonly misunderstood, concepts and procedures are thoroughly explained in a manner unlike any other textbook. There is no shortage of examples illustrating a multitude of computational techniques. More than 325 examples reveal the power and beauty of precise calculation, and impel the motivated student to be mindful of the importance of using proper mathematical notation and terminology. Essential Linear Algebra includes formal and detailed proofs for nearly every result in the textbook. There are over 670 engaging exercises ranging from routine computational exercises to those that ask the reader to formally prove a given statement. In addition to and supplementing the exercises are more than 580 true/false statements and more than 500 concept/knowledge questions in the category of “What have you learned?” questions. To assist the readers and instructors, Appendix C provides solutions for all odd-numbered exercises. This uniquely integrative textbook is adaptable to both introductory and advanced courses, which can also be used as an invaluable resource for the fundamental aspects of linear algebra.


John Lattanzio

John Lattanzio teaches at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). Throughout his nearly 30-year career at IUP, he has taught a multitude of courses ranging from intermediate algebra to graduate courses in graph theory and combinatorics. He earned his B.S. degree in mathematics education from IUP in 1990, and he earned his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in mathematics from the University of Pittsburgh in 1994 and 2001, respectively. He has been teaching collegiate-level mathematics since 1990 and considers linear algebra to be the most delightful among the mathematical subjects. He also taught at Butler County Community College, Pennsylvania State University, University of Pittsburgh, Chatham University, and Fort LeBoeuf Senior High School. His research interests focus on applying abstract algebraic methods to the theory of proper graph coloring. In this area, Professor Lattanzio has a half-dozen peer-reviewed publications and three published Mathematica computer programs useful for analyzing data obtained by proper graph coloring.

"As an undergraduate and graduate student in Mathematics, I was introduced to a variety of excellent texts in Linear Algebra. Later, as a college professor, I had the luxury of reviewing many texts and selecting the appropriate one for my own course. “Essential Linear Algebra” is the new arrival in the field, and I have found it to be quite refreshingly different in approach and style.
First, the text is rich, thorough and its 824 pages are meant for not one, but two courses in Linear Algebra -introductory and advanced.
Second, the author has managed to meticulously work out and show all calculations as well as proofs in the text. Solutions to odd-numbered questions will undoubtedly please the student readers. Hundreds of concepts, procedures and examples only add more assistance and motivation for the mathematically inspired reader.
Lastly, the author’s clever choice of name for his text is not just cute. It is quite fitting and makes the text a valuable book in the field. It is priced modestly and, in my opinion, it is destined to be used by many admirers of Linear Algebra across many academic institutions."
Dr. Hossein Shahmohamad | Professor of Mathematics
School of Mathematics & Statistics | R.I.T.

Essential Linear Algebra by Lattanzio introduces linear algebra in meticulous fashion. The rudimentary, yet commonly misunderstood, concepts and procedures are thoroughly explained in a manner unlike any other textbook. There is no shortage of examples illustrating a multitude of computational techniques. More than 325 examples reveal the power and beauty of precise calculation, and impel the motivated student to be mindful of the importance of using proper mathematical notation and terminology. Essential Linear Algebra includes formal and detailed proofs for nearly every result in the textbook. There are over 670 engaging exercises ranging from routine computational exercises to those that ask the reader to formally prove a given statement. In addition to and supplementing the exercises are more than 580 true/false statements and more than 500 concept/knowledge questions in the category of “What have you learned?” questions. To assist the readers and instructors, Appendix C provides solutions for all odd-numbered exercises. This uniquely integrative textbook is adaptable to both introductory and advanced courses, which can also be used as an invaluable resource for the fundamental aspects of linear algebra.


John Lattanzio

John Lattanzio teaches at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). Throughout his nearly 30-year career at IUP, he has taught a multitude of courses ranging from intermediate algebra to graduate courses in graph theory and combinatorics. He earned his B.S. degree in mathematics education from IUP in 1990, and he earned his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in mathematics from the University of Pittsburgh in 1994 and 2001, respectively. He has been teaching collegiate-level mathematics since 1990 and considers linear algebra to be the most delightful among the mathematical subjects. He also taught at Butler County Community College, Pennsylvania State University, University of Pittsburgh, Chatham University, and Fort LeBoeuf Senior High School. His research interests focus on applying abstract algebraic methods to the theory of proper graph coloring. In this area, Professor Lattanzio has a half-dozen peer-reviewed publications and three published Mathematica computer programs useful for analyzing data obtained by proper graph coloring.

"As an undergraduate and graduate student in Mathematics, I was introduced to a variety of excellent texts in Linear Algebra. Later, as a college professor, I had the luxury of reviewing many texts and selecting the appropriate one for my own course. “Essential Linear Algebra” is the new arrival in the field, and I have found it to be quite refreshingly different in approach and style.
First, the text is rich, thorough and its 824 pages are meant for not one, but two courses in Linear Algebra -introductory and advanced.
Second, the author has managed to meticulously work out and show all calculations as well as proofs in the text. Solutions to odd-numbered questions will undoubtedly please the student readers. Hundreds of concepts, procedures and examples only add more assistance and motivation for the mathematically inspired reader.
Lastly, the author’s clever choice of name for his text is not just cute. It is quite fitting and makes the text a valuable book in the field. It is priced modestly and, in my opinion, it is destined to be used by many admirers of Linear Algebra across many academic institutions."
Dr. Hossein Shahmohamad | Professor of Mathematics
School of Mathematics & Statistics | R.I.T.