This book presents a general introduction to Mathematical Analysis and Analytical Modeling that may be used as the first contact of undergraduate students with Calculus. Primarily conceived as a textbook for wind energy undergraduate students at Texas Tech University, it might be used for those science and engineering students who enjoy knowing details on the foundations of their mathematical skills. The text carefully examines the ideas behind the notion of limit, in particular sequential limit, which is at the basis of concepts like continuity, differentiation and integration; it also explores how those aforementioned concepts are applied to contextual problems and extended to analytical modeling, without affecting mathematical rigor. The book reaches a balance between logical consistency, intuition and practical applications, and may be utilized to create a bridge between the classical ways of learning Mathematics and the new way using computers to facilitate knowledge acquisition.
Chapter Zero: Elementary Set Theory
Chapter One: Sets of Numbers
Chapter Two: Sequences of Real Numbers
Chapter Three: Limit and Continuity
Chapter Four: Differentiation
Chapter Five: Integration
Chapter Six: A Short Introduction to Analytical Modeling
Chapter Seven: Series
Chapter Eight: Money Dynamics
Chapter Nine: Mathematics, Logic and Reality