Ethical Dilemmas in Long-Term Care Study Edition
Author(s): Janine M Idziak
Edition: 2
Copyright: 2002
Pages: 268
Ethical Dilemmas in Long-Term Care is written by an ethicist with years of experience with ethics committees and ethics consults who serves on the Commission on Ethics in Long-Term Care of the AAHSA. Ethics committee members and the long-term care facility's professional medical staff are challenged with dilemmas daily. This resource provides basic ethics principles and clarifies the underlying issues. Clearly written and engaging, the materials can be used in a variety of ways to meet a variety of needs:
- Use for professional staff in-service
- Use in workshops to train new ethics committee members
- Use in an ethics committee's retreat
- Use in professional meetings
- Use in workshops or learning sessions for residents' families
New to this Edition:
- JCAHO standards referenced in each relevant chapter
- Substantial revision of Confidentiality to include a discussion of HIPAA regulations, focusing on the ethical motovations and ramifications rather than the specific regulations
- Added discussion of feminist "ethics of care"
- Substantial revision of Resuscitation including"out-of-hospital DNR orders"
- Substantial revision of Euthanasia and Assited Suicide to include coverage of the situatio in Oregon
- Substantial revision of Pain Management using Hastings Center quidelines
- Expanded coverage of dementia care
- NEW chapter, "Looking into the Future," dealing with ethical issues surrounding the development of therapies from stem cell research
Two formats available:
1. Facilitator's Edition: Binder with complete content plus reproducible worksheets with case studies and group discussion topics. Useful format for coordinating instruction for the administrative team, in-services, the ethics committee, and for families or community groups. The facilitator, using the reference materials, can guide the discussion of each topic. Each chapter contains: worksheets; topical content guides for leading discussion sessions; and additional resources.
2. Study Edition: Paperbound book with all topics and cases included. This edition is useful for in-depth, individual study. Provides complete information on a full range of current ethics topics. This is the resource each department head and ethics committee member should include in his/her library. Very effective for self-study followed by group discussion.
Table of Contents (both formats)
Chap. 1 Ethics for Health Care
Chap. 2 Ethics Committees: A Resource for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas
Part One: Ethical Issues at the Beginning of Life
Chap. 3 The Abortion Debate
Chap. 4 Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Chap. 5 Treatment Decisions for Seriously Ill Newborns
Part Two: Ethical Issues at the End of Life
Chap. 6 Making Decisions about Using or Forgoing Life?Sustaining Treatments
Chap. 7 Proxy Decision Making and Advance Directives
Chap. 8 The Dilemma of Assisted Nutrition and Hydration
Chap. 9 Treatment Decisions for Vegetative State Patients
Chap. 10 Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
Part Three: Issues of Professionalism
Chap. 11 Confidentiality
Chap. 12 Workplace Ethics
Chap. 13 Ethical and Religious Objections to Health Care Practices
Chap. 14 Multicultural Perspectives in Health Care
Part Four: Special Topics
Chap. 15 Research and Experimentation Involving Human Subjects
Chap. 16 Stem Cell Research
Chap. 17 Issues in Organ Procurement and Allocation
Chap. 18 Issues in Genetics
Ethical Dilemmas in Long-Term Care is written by an ethicist with years of experience with ethics committees and ethics consults who serves on the Commission on Ethics in Long-Term Care of the AAHSA. Ethics committee members and the long-term care facility's professional medical staff are challenged with dilemmas daily. This resource provides basic ethics principles and clarifies the underlying issues. Clearly written and engaging, the materials can be used in a variety of ways to meet a variety of needs:
- Use for professional staff in-service
- Use in workshops to train new ethics committee members
- Use in an ethics committee's retreat
- Use in professional meetings
- Use in workshops or learning sessions for residents' families
New to this Edition:
- JCAHO standards referenced in each relevant chapter
- Substantial revision of Confidentiality to include a discussion of HIPAA regulations, focusing on the ethical motovations and ramifications rather than the specific regulations
- Added discussion of feminist "ethics of care"
- Substantial revision of Resuscitation including"out-of-hospital DNR orders"
- Substantial revision of Euthanasia and Assited Suicide to include coverage of the situatio in Oregon
- Substantial revision of Pain Management using Hastings Center quidelines
- Expanded coverage of dementia care
- NEW chapter, "Looking into the Future," dealing with ethical issues surrounding the development of therapies from stem cell research
Two formats available:
1. Facilitator's Edition: Binder with complete content plus reproducible worksheets with case studies and group discussion topics. Useful format for coordinating instruction for the administrative team, in-services, the ethics committee, and for families or community groups. The facilitator, using the reference materials, can guide the discussion of each topic. Each chapter contains: worksheets; topical content guides for leading discussion sessions; and additional resources.
2. Study Edition: Paperbound book with all topics and cases included. This edition is useful for in-depth, individual study. Provides complete information on a full range of current ethics topics. This is the resource each department head and ethics committee member should include in his/her library. Very effective for self-study followed by group discussion.
Table of Contents (both formats)
Chap. 1 Ethics for Health Care
Chap. 2 Ethics Committees: A Resource for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas
Part One: Ethical Issues at the Beginning of Life
Chap. 3 The Abortion Debate
Chap. 4 Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Chap. 5 Treatment Decisions for Seriously Ill Newborns
Part Two: Ethical Issues at the End of Life
Chap. 6 Making Decisions about Using or Forgoing Life?Sustaining Treatments
Chap. 7 Proxy Decision Making and Advance Directives
Chap. 8 The Dilemma of Assisted Nutrition and Hydration
Chap. 9 Treatment Decisions for Vegetative State Patients
Chap. 10 Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
Part Three: Issues of Professionalism
Chap. 11 Confidentiality
Chap. 12 Workplace Ethics
Chap. 13 Ethical and Religious Objections to Health Care Practices
Chap. 14 Multicultural Perspectives in Health Care
Part Four: Special Topics
Chap. 15 Research and Experimentation Involving Human Subjects
Chap. 16 Stem Cell Research
Chap. 17 Issues in Organ Procurement and Allocation
Chap. 18 Issues in Genetics